The EE braggers thread!!!

Haven't been on this thread in a while. Thought I would post some photos.
Here are my two EE as chicks:

Here they are now:

Willow (chick on left)

Zoe is the hen in the middle and the chick on the right in the photo. I love her pattern. You would have to blow the picture up to see it. The other two on either side of her are EE also. The one on the left lays a pinkish egg and the one on the right lays a seafoam blueish egg. Willow and Zoe are laying blue/green eggs. Zoe gives me lots of double yolkers. I love Easter Eggers!
One of our EE's Miss Julia Grant has developed quite the color! She was a yellow chick, and then an all white young pullet, and what we thought was just Julia being chronically filthy is apparently now her coloring! Sorry for the bad cell phone pic but has anyone had a bird look like this? They're about 16 weeks now and we are wondering what on earth she will look like once she matures.

I have one very similar and I am also curious if it will stay or change with her next molt.
Hi EE'ers! We have 11 in our flock and 4 are roosters. Just not a good roo to hen ratio. They are just starting to pick on the girls. They are all about 20 weeks old we think. We got them at around 2-3 weeks (we were told) So My question is how would you go about choosing which rooster to keep? I'd like t keep one for hatching more EEs. Which leads me to my next it okay to breed them if they are from the same hatch?
Hi EE'ers! We have 11 in our flock and 4 are roosters. Just not a good roo to hen ratio. They are just starting to pick on the girls. They are all about 20 weeks old we think. We got them at around 2-3 weeks (we were told) So My question is how would you go about choosing which rooster to keep? I'd like t keep one for hatching more EEs. Which leads me to my next it okay to breed them if they are from the same hatch?

Since these are EEs and they are considered "mutts" and there are no standards to follow, I would choose the sweetest one. I've had two roosters. One was sweet to the ladies and never gave me a mean look. Sadly, he died..we think of secondary poisoning. The next rooster we had, I also hatched, but when his hormones kicked in, he was brutal to the girls. Just dug into them and smashed them into the ground! Wouldn't take "no" for an answer. He also started attacking my small dogs for no reason. So we got rid of him. Our new rooster is only 15 weeks old. If he is not nice, then off he will go, too! You can choose your favorite color, too. Which one do you like the best? I love EEers. My next hatching will be EEers and Marans.
I have one very similar and I am also curious if it will stay or change with her next molt.

Took some more photos... no chance she is a roo... right?! Her color looks red in this photo but I swear its more chocolate-y... and came first on her chest... ahh!

I have one very similar and I am also curious if it will stay or change with her next molt.
Took some more photos... no chance she is a roo... right?! Her color looks red in this photo but I swear its more chocolate-y... and came first on her chest... ahh!
How old? If about 4 months, then you are safe. The reddish brown feathers don't seem to be in the shoulder area. If less than 4 months, the comb is looking kinda red. White feathers are hard to see saddle or hackle feathers on but might be some saddle feathers in the second photo (or it could just be a trick of the eye). Real helpful aren't I? LOL CG
How old? If about 4 months, then you are safe. The reddish brown feathers don't seem to be in the shoulder area.

If less than 4 months, the comb is looking kinda red. White feathers are hard to see saddle or hackle feathers on but might be some saddle feathers in the second photo (or it could just be a trick of the eye). Real helpful aren't I? LOL


"She" will be 16 weeks on October 3rd... So she's about 14 weeks. I just never thought there would be a question as to her sex given how plain she's been.

Yikes! We are in a position to have Roos but just BOUGHT one as we wanted one with an even keeled personality. Come on, Julia!

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