The EE braggers thread!!!

My 3 EE's are 26 weeks and 5 days old and still no eggs :/ Out of 11 pullets all 26 weeks and 5 days old, only 4 are laying so far and they are the brown leghorns. It's taking awhile for the rest. They need to start popping eggs out!
Hi! I don't think I've posted on this thread before. I got my first EE's this spring & just finished reading this entire thread last week! I just got my first eggs from my girls this week at 18 & 18 1/2 weeks. One lays a large bluish green & the other laid a tiny blue egg with white specks. I also hatched my first 2 chicks ever from my own flock. They both have the same EE dad, 1 had a blue Marans mother(white chick with green legs, small beard & muffs) & the other had a bantam barnyard mix mother (brown chipmunk pattern with white legs). The brown one I had to help hatch & also had to tape it's 1 foot, it was clenched in a ball & the poor little thing couldn't walk. Now it's running around like a lunatic! I'm so happy to be a part of the EE Braggers Club!!!

(Sorry no pics, I'm totally computer illiterate!)

New to this forum...I just had to share this, I have one EE, and I know they don't all lay a pretty egg, so I didn't get my hopes up. Today at the age of 23 and 1/2 weeks, she finally laid this egg. It's huge, gorgeous, and weighs 63 grams!

It might be a double yolk, and I'm sure the next one will be a more normal size.

Anyway, it's been an exciting morning.
                 ....But, Chickens really, really, really REALLY hate to get wet......

Mine LOVE getting wet. Teu will purposely go out in the rain. Some like getting bathes. Some like to cool off on hot days. You be surprised how many chickens like water. Not all do but a lot do. I know this isn't just true for mine, I know many others who like to get wet
Mine LOVE getting wet. Teu will purposely go out in the rain. Some like getting bathes. Some like to cool off on hot days. You be surprised how many chickens like water. Not all do but a lot do. I know this isn't just true for mine, I know many others who like to get wet
Mine don't like to get wet all that much but they do love a nice blow dry!! I had to bathe 2 and they fell asleep as I dried them. Too cute :)

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