The EE braggers thread!!!

Here are 9 of my latest hatch of Easter Eggers:

Yes, Naked Neck ones. Hopefully they will lay me some green eggs. I'll just have to wait and see. Most likely by April or May 2015 at the most. That sounds like a long time putting it down.
I have 1 EE that STILL didn't lay yet and she is 33 weeks old! I don't know why it's taking forever for her to lay and egg, but I picked her up yesterday and she has new feather coming in. Ugh, the waiting sucks so bad! She is the only one that hasn't laid an egg yet out of 11!
My beautiful Betty is looking fabulous after her molt! Her beard is so glorious, I just had to share!

I love this beard!

OMG she is absolutely beautiful! Did you get her from Cackle? I'm not sure if that was you that said that before, but someone posted a pic and so did I, and my snowflake looks a lot like your Betty! I love my EE's from Cackle. I'm ordering from there again in January and I am also hatching some eggs out from my EE also.
She's actually from a nearby Amish farm, but I don't know where they get their stock, so she might be from Cackle lines. :) I don't remember for sure, but it may have been me that posted about your bird! Betty's got to be my favorite out of my Easter-eggers, so floofy and cuddly! :love
She's actually from a nearby Amish farm, but I don't know where they get their stock, so she might be from Cackle lines.
I don't remember for sure, but it may have been me that posted about your bird! Betty's got to be my favorite out of my Easter-eggers, so floofy and cuddly!
Here is Snowflake. I can't remember if it was you or not. Oh well, but yea she is my favorite out of all of my chickens too. I can't wait to hatch eggs out from her. From about the first week on she loved to sit on my lap and is so friendly too. Hopefully her chicks that I hatch out will look like her.
Here she is sitting on my lap when she was about a month old.

Here she is about 4 months old

This is her just before she laid her first egg. They grow up so fast lol.
I love my EE's Geraldine (after my mother) & Jane (after my aunt). They follow me everywhere & are very sweet. I pick them up & cuddle them all the time. I kiss them on their chicken lips!

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