The EE braggers thread!!!

It's possible, but not likely. Legbars are still pretty rare and expensive. You have to go looking for them. I got the impression that the chick in question is a feed store or hatchery 'mystery' chick. It's likely a more common breed that got added to an order for extra warmth, or got put in the wrong bin at the store.
It is a feed store chick. I just didn't realize so many breeds would have identical markings.
I thought EE were any chicken that layed a blue or green or pink egg. EE is not a breed. Kern
Several flocksters in our area have EE's for the colored eggs so they and their progeny are called "Easter Eggers" even if we've bred something in to give a different color.
However my olive eggers are all legbar crossed with various marans, welsummers, and mixes, and they are called olive eggers or hybrids. Maybe it's just this area but no one calls them EE's. However if the olive egger has an EE or Ameraucana parent they are are called olive eggers or EE's, but somehow the difference always seems to be made.
Perhaps it is because those with the legbar parentage have the single combs and look different so that is a way to differentiate.
I've had some purebred Jersey giants and buckeyes that lay beautiful pinkish eggs.
In our area anything that lays a green olive or blue egg is called an EE. Some even call my CLB's EE's because of the egg color. It does not matter to me.

I know which is which and what color egg I am trying to achieve when I breed them.
Im very happy with my first 4 pullets im keeping from hatching my own flock. One is WL/EE, one CL/EE, and two brown Leghorn / EE. They all have pea combs so hoping for blue eggs. One thing my roo isnt passing on much is his beard/ muffs, only the CL cross has them. You can tell which one is my favorite...

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