The EE braggers thread!!!

First EE babies! 2 days old, anyone had ones of similar shades and have ideas what they might feather out to?

(magnoliah above)

(ryka below)

They both have quite a bit of blue on their wings and chests -- one is quite light (eyeliner one) with rust chipmunk striping and blue wings, the other mostly rust with light cheeks and very dark brown (? almost black?) striping and a bluer chest.
First EE babies! 2 days old, anyone had ones of similar shades and have ideas what they might feather out to?

(magnoliah above)

(ryka below)

They both have quite a bit of blue on their wings and chests -- one is quite light (eyeliner one) with rust chipmunk striping and blue wings, the other mostly rust with light cheeks and very dark brown (? almost black?) striping and a bluer chest.

Very nice looking chicks you have there so please keep us updated on their growth their first year . So cute
Its hard to say,wild guess is the darker one will probably be red with blue fluff and/or lacing. I had a couple that when they were chicks.
The top one is basic chipmunk and they change the most, very hard to determine. Fun to find out.
Hello My name is Ann, I recently purchased "Ameracanas" and posted in the Ameracana thread and was informed my girls are instead EE's.
So here I am. I currently purchased 4 EE. I currently have them with my 1 month old silkies who seem to have adopted them. Cant wait to see what color they will be once grown.

Hello My name is Ann, I recently purchased "Ameracanas" and posted in the Ameracana thread and was informed my girls are instead EE's.
So here I am. I currently purchased 4 EE. I currently have them with my 1 month old silkies who seem to have adopted them. Cant wait to see what color they will be once grown.

Them some really nice looking EE chicks you have ..

Don't feel bad 90% of first time EE owners were under the impression that thy were purchasing Americana chicks ..

Enjoy what you have there fun and easy chickens to raise .
Grats on your non-snobbish EE Chicks!!

They are fun birds, I love mine, they lay beautiful eggs and are sweet hearts. I have some "pure" breeds, but the EE are the most fun, I free range mine so they come running for treats whenever they see me. It is great to be adored and worshiped for just a few pieces of grain.

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