The EE braggers thread!!!

I'm finally getting eggs from this year's batch of EEs. These four are from yesterday - today I got 5 more plus 3 brown one's from my other juveniles. I seem to be getting two distinct colors, olive and what looks more blue than green (the photo is pretty true to actual color).


I'll have to try and get some better pics of my birds. They're camera shy!
Thanks~because I don't understand WHY we have them and the bloodlines are so mixed~I'm waiting for my one lonely hen to lay
and I have 2 different colored Roos
they seem rather flighty, although they don't mind me picking them up
A true lavender should produce mostly black chicks from them, with some other colors bleeding through on some...................... unless some of your hens are carrying a copy for lav. Lavender is a black chicken with two copies of the recessive dilutant "lav"; all of the chicks will carry one copy of black and one of lav, and they need two sopies of lav for the dilutant to affect color, but only one of the "kinda" dominate melanizer gene to be mostly black. Since lav also dilutes red, the chicks will produce some awesome pastel mixes in the following generations if bred amoung themselves........................ some may look close to isabel colored.
Got another EE! That makes 4. One hawk looking EE, one Blue (that could also pass for a true Ameracuana, but lays greenish sage eggs), and one BO/Ameraucana cross.

Now we have a gold and white one. I responded to a craigslist ad. She showed up in the alley of a business and they did not want her. She was there two weeks. She is missing some feathers and her beard is missing, but she has muffs and laid a big blue green egg yesterday (double yoker). I was thinking she was youngish. Like maybe 7 months, I am no expert though,.

I will try and get pictures later!
I posted earlier on about the lil abandoned crossbeak EE roo- Hermie. He lives i big cage at night and i built a tractor for him to be in during the day. Funniest lil guy - spoiled rotten. Has to get his oatmeal in the morning - eats that and then paces knowing what will happen next. I open the door and he leaps into my arms knowing he is going to his tractor for the day. He is eating great out of a deep ceramic crock - let me trim his beak back. TALKER oh my - and so much personality. Wish he wasnt cross beak cause know i would love to get him a couple hens! Interseting birds!
Splash Ameraucana Roo X Blue Rock, Barred Rock and Rhode Island Red hens


ETA; these are my buddy "BigJim's" birds, I met him several months ago, gave him some chicks, he has done very nice job caring for them!
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