The EE braggers thread!!!

6chickens in St. Charles :

Mom is our wheaten/reddish EE who lays a pale brown egg. Dad is a blue Silkie. This hen's earlobes are blue like the Silkie. Any chance this 12 week old pullet might lay a blue egg?

The proud parents:

If she hatched from a brown egg I'd venture to say there is 0% chance she would lay a blue egg. She's really cool looking though!

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I got a white Ameraucana 3 or 4 days ago, he is doing that with my 4½ month old Buff Orps. They ain't squating for him, yet.
While I am here, let me say this, I know thatr EE's are mutts, BUTT I did not know they were part beaver. So far I have lost 6 banana trees to them. They first start pecking around the base and pretty soon the tree falls. Then over the course of several days trhey eat the tree, limbs and all.
They are well fed and always have plenty of fresh water. After they have it down they peck out the stump. Rainwater collects in it and they drink from the stumps.

That's awful! I'm one of the few who also own banana trees (greenhouses do WONDERS
) and I'd hate to see one, or even SIX lost like that! I'm sure they do it because they know the health benefits though. I'd never trust chickens around Bananas - Too weak of plants. They love to dig, they love to eat greens, bananas are pretty sliceable - Combine the three.
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Does anyone have a EE/Ameraucana/Araucana Rooster at least 6 months old in the south GA/north FL area? My rooster is overbreeding my hens and they are lossing the feathers on thier backs. At first, it was just 1 hen, and I thought it was because she was the first EE to lay. But I've noticed over the past few days all the other (10) hens have missing or broken feathers on their backs.

He hatched 2/25, so he's about 6 months old, could it be it's because he young? My last roo I had in the pen didn't do that, but He was 2+ years old.
It may because he's just naturally more forcing or aggressive about it. That or you have way too few hens for your boy. I suggest buying hen saddles for your girls. Protects further damage.

Also, replacing the male helps.
It may because he's just naturally more forcing or aggressive about it. That or you have way too few hens for your boy. I suggest buying hen saddles for your girls. Protects further damage.

Also, replacing the male helps.

He has 11 hens



These are my girls they are almost 5 months old. Glory Porscha and Skittlez

No eggs yet not sure why but have been feeding them very well.

They eat Grapes cherries watermelon lettuce 2 different types of lettuce. They free range from 6:30 am till about 8 pm. Lukcy me they put themselves up. They have straight laying boxes I built out of a shelf unit that we took out of the house and refurbished. They have access to the pond and 4 different water bowls. They are my babies. I also have 3 Andalusion roos two of which are housed separately from the hens and the other roo. Their names are Bobby Pleklie and Nermal. I am also a very proud owner of a mating pair of Buff/Orpington Ducks
(Wish I knew why my hens arent laying.
They are also feed a daily mix of Purina Scratch Non-Medicated with an even mix of Purina Non-Medicated Layer feed.
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Are you birds squatting yet ? Do they bend down and spread out when you come near them ? When they do that they are ready to lay. Some birds take longer than others.


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