The EMERGENCY Thread!!!


I have a bird named Rosa. She is a purebred Aricana. She had been attacked by a hawk and her crop had been ripped open, the vet sewed it together. So now it has been a week since the incident and she has not been outside. (I also have to mention that she is a therapy chicken. I had her specially certified and she is trained.She is 5 years old and follows me around when I do the chores in the house and the backyard.) She has been exhibiting a particularly odd behavior. She fluffs her feathers up, scrunches up so that her head is touching her shoulders, and raises her tail straight up. I am really concerned that she is having a form of PTSD or a seizure of some kind. She does not seem to be in any pain ( but I know chickens are programmed so that they don't show that they're in pain).

So my question is, What does it mean when my chicken has her head drawn back into her shoulders and her tail pointed up?

~A very concerned Mumma Bird

I have a bird named Rosa. She is a purebred Aricana. She had been attacked by a hawk and her crop had been ripped open, the vet sewed it together. So now it has been a week since the incident and she has not been outside. (I also have to mention that she is a therapy chicken. I had her specially certified and she is trained.She is 5 years old and follows me around when I do the chores in the house and the backyard.) She has been exhibiting a particularly odd behavior. She fluffs her feathers up, scrunches up so that her head is touching her shoulders, and raises her tail straight up. I am really concerned that she is having a form of PTSD or a seizure of some kind. She does not seem to be in any pain ( but I know chickens are programmed so that they don't show that they're in pain).

So my question is, What does it mean when my chicken has her head drawn back into her shoulders and her tail pointed up?

~A very concerned Mumma Bird
Can you post a picture of her?

Next time she raises her tail up look at her vent and see if she is trying to pass something.As for the head and the shoulder,they do that when they are stressed.
How is your sweet hen doing?

Thanks, Kathy! Not sure if you saw my original post, as I'm unsure how to reply from that, but there aren't any avian vets around us, I've already searched. Out vet used to be it out here, but he retired and is on a mission in Haiti.

Oddly, Muninn seems to be improving this morning, so I'm guessing Marek's does this.
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Im trying to delete this post. I did it wrong.
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Please 8 to 9 mo old frizzle is one of two birds mostly in the house but newer silkie had mites I believe so treated both however my frizzle bei g black was hard to keep up long story short they were powdered down the I noticed her red butt and it seemed to have been with a bit of scabbing so soaked her about two weeks ago cut feathers away from area and used Neosporin on pain seems the red comes and goes pink and white I also have used watered down iodine she is picky eater will eat then fine with water running playful her poop has been small but at first thought because it is colder we have a vet apt for Monday should I stop what I am doing keep on or what if she would eat normal I would feel better she
New emergency! New Emergency
Rhode Island red. Nine months old. She is very lethargic. Eyes closed a lot of the time. Every time she lifts her foot it is trembling. I Corentine her into the garage with a heat lamp. But I am very concerned about her. She has not laid in a couple daysMy other hens

are sneezing. Which is nothing new. In their energy levels are much better.
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It looks like she tries to eat, but just puts her beak up to the food and then moved it away. She took a couple nibbles of crumble. I put some water into her mouth. It is Arizona – but it has been snowing recently

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