The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

My older Delaware picked the coldest weather of the year so far to have a hard molt. She is more than half bald, covered with pinfeathers, and the outside temp was 11 the last few days. She seems to be OK, though :rolleyes:, and I've been closing the coop up at night.
My older Delaware picked the coldest weather of the year so far to have a hard molt. She is more than half bald, covered with pinfeathers, and the outside temp was 11 the last few days. She seems to be OK, though :rolleyes:, and I've been closing the coop up at night.
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Poor thing. I hope Thea is okay. She has her feathers back, her crop is okay, but she seems like she's on a downhill slide. I love that sweet hen. She's too young to die on me.
I hope she improves quickly, speckledhen. Maybe some gatorade mixed in her water to help balance electrolytes?

1mutt, if your Delaware is not alone in the coop, and has someone to huddle with, and share body heat, it should be fine.
In all her special food, she's had Polyvisol baby vitamins w/o iron, plus an occasional squeeze of a gel cap of vitamin E since the baby vitamins do not contain that. I haven't been to the barn yet today. I thought maybe Hector hurt her, but he hasn't been insistent on breeding and he never was with Thea. She doesn't act hurt. I hate mysteries. Maybe her body was damaged when her crop was so bad for that couple of weeks and she was in the throes of her molt. I just have no idea.
Hopefully she feels better soon. If loving care can do it, she'll recover.

Thank you, Mary. I do love my chickens and take better care of them than I do myself at times, but as you well know, many things are just out of our control. I do love my Thea, wry tail and all. She is the sweetest little hen ever. I even adore that big goober you sent to me, LOL. He's a big baby!
I hope she improves soon. Yes, you take extra good care of your chickens, and it shows. You even have the better feed mills up there, and can get especially good quality feed too.

Thea actually showed interest in the food I brought her this morning. She was on her feet and eating it, seemed a little perkier. I'll go back out and check on her again. If she seems like maybe she just had a bad day yesterday, I may put her back with Hector.
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Poor thing. I hope Thea is okay. She has her feathers back, her crop is okay, but she seems like she's on a downhill slide. I love that sweet hen. She's too young to die on me.
So sorry Thea is doing well again. :hmm This time of year is always harder on some.

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