The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Cynthia. Speckledhen is a user name so people can find you easily. Your friends know the real Cynthia, and that's really all that matters. Speckledhen is a small part of you. Not the other way around.
Cynthia. Speckledhen is a user name so people can find you easily. Your friends know the real Cynthia, and that's really all that matters. Speckledhen is a small part of you. Not the other way around.
Loved the pics Cyn!!

Thanks, buddy! There were some photos of a brown and white calf named Sunshine, but I don't know her breed for sure, thinking maybe a Guernsey. Will have to see if I can delve into the far reaches of my brain and remember what she/he was. If not, I will scan and I'm sure you can tell me.
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So, who wins a klutz award? Is it the person who falls the most stupidly or the person who is hurt the worst? Today's falls include:

DH: Taking armloads of trash to the burn pit, one boot lace comes loose, grabbing the hook on the opposite boot, sending him sprawling down the hill, scaring the crap out of Finn. The puffed out frightened cat is the reason I went to look. He twisted himself a little, smacked his forearm when he caught himself and broke his lace on his new boots.

Me, DW: In walking toward one of the coops toward a rake to help DH in rounding up the free-ranging bantams, I trip forward, no idea why, either my bad ankle gave way, or my tennis shoe was too loose (lost it in the fall) or I tripped over one of the many roots that rise out of the hard ground that needs a load of soil brought to fill in. My left knee catches the full brunt of my forward motion, though I apparently hit the meaty part of my left palm as well as scrape my right elbow and badly sprain my left ankle, the one with all the hardware in it from a break six years ago. So, my knee is like a purple grapefruit and my inner ankle is swollen and I am going to bed now, properly medicated. Not what I needed since a big family get-together at our house is happening on Saturday.


So, who wins?

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