The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Nice pics, Isaiah. I see my favorite cow in there. I would have gotten here sooner, but I slipped on some mud yesterday and in trying to maintain my balance, I guess I wrenched my back pretty bad, so I've been in bed all day. Like I need to be slowed down right now. I had this quilt all ready to quilt and now, I have to wait.
Thanks! Ouch! Sorry to here that happened! What a pretty quilt!
Oh and some good news!! Your favorite cow is prego! She is bred to a Black Angus bull named Dewy!!

Haven't been here in quite a while and have sure missed you all. Cyn, sorry about your back...hope you're on the mend. I've read through all the threads and man have I missed a lot. I'll try to keep in touch more often.
Haven't been here in quite a while and have sure missed you all. Cyn, sorry about your back...hope you're on the mend. I've read through all the threads and man have I missed a lot. I'll try to keep in touch more often.

Well, you have been gone awhile! Good to see you back! My back is starting to get better, though this morning, it sure was stiff and painful. Got better during the day so I hope tomorrow, it's less painful when I get up than today. I sure did it to myself this time. And just think my poor husband, who is actually missing several discs from degenerative disc disease, goes through this every day in varying degrees. He had to take care of the chickens for me.
I have been caught up too. Sorry to hear that you hurt your back Cyn. Hope you sleep well tonight and have a better day tomorrow.

Thank you, yes, slightly better today than yesterday getting up, so I guess I'm making progress. Have to take it slow and not push myself. Thanks to my awesome husband, who keeps on trucking even when he's in pain so I can rest and recover.
Quote: Kudos to the awesome husband! Mine has been taking care of my chickens since the end of Oct. when I broke my foot. Recovery is so slow but DH has been wonderful and not complaining about 5 chicken pens, water, feed. That was always exclusively my job, even though he helped with the building etc. I am amazed and grateful.

Glad you are feeling a little better. Falling is getting to not be an option at our ages! I have suddenly realized that whether I like it or not, the chickens may have to go if I have any more complicated accidents- something I never thought about until now and I don't like it - the restrictions of age!

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