The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Maybe the boyfriend nixed the dog, like you said. Maybe he told her she would need extra money for something, so she decided to leave the dog, and get the refund to use. Either way, it was a blessing, and she's leaving the dog.
Either way, it was a blessing, and she's leaving the dog.

Until she comes back and wants him again. We asked who she'd call if she needed help to get back to the States. He said he had no idea, that she'd burned a lot of bridges. So many who know them are thoroughly disgusted by her now. Imagine that.
Tell him to make sure his name is on the paperwork at the vet's office, and not hers. If he's listed as the owner at the vet, then it's his dog, and there's nothing she can do about it, even if she tries to sue him.

Already told him to go get that changed immediately. If she's on her way back, time is of the essence.
More bizarre stuff. I asked if he can see what's on her phone from across the pond, not knowing if he cloned it or something. This was his answer:

On her phone? No.. but I can log into her Facebook, Twitter, bank account, and gmail from my pc.....something happened last night somewhere because she had to buy another plane ticket for almost 2 grand

Then, he said she only got there 2 hours ago, so seems she had to buy a new plane ticket for some reason. At first, I thought she got there, things blew up and she bought a ticket back to the States. The plot thickens.....this should be a Movie of the Week. Stay tuned for more installments of As the Stomach Turns, LOL.
Maybe she realized that she was landing somewhere further away from her guy than she thought and had to get a new ticket to fly in nearer.

Who knows? That's a lot of money when you have very little of it. I think her 401K cashout was only about 10K, if I am remembering what my son said.
You know, this thing about the dog was very odd. First, they want an extra $125 for him to travel and he has had/done all the necessary things to go to the UK, by all the online stuff I've read. Then, they call her and say he can't go on a Friday, that dogs cannot travel on a weekend so he'll have to go on a different flight, and she gets all upset. Then, the same day, only hours later, the airline calls and says the dog cannot go at all because he did not come from the UK originally. That doesn't sound kosher to me. It sounds like someone pretending to be the airline called and told her that. But, if that was so, why would the airline refund any money they'd taken (if they had already taken it) for the dog? I know it wasn't my son's doing. He wondered if she only said the airline nixed the dog to save face, maybe because she had second thoughts or maybe her boy-toy didn't want the dog there. She's not kind enough to relinquish having her way. Anyway, it's Twilight Zone time....
I agree, the whole thing sounds very weird. Hasn’t she ever watched the show” catfish”
I agree, the whole thing sounds very weird. Hasn’t she ever watched the show” catfish”

I haven't ever seen that show myself, not sure what channel it would be on, but Dr. Phil has had plenty of shows about the subject. I don't watch him regularly because sometimes, he rubs me entirely the wrong way, but I've seen a few of those and it fascinates me how gullible people are. Haven't heard anything yet about what happened with her over there.

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