The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Forgot something else..the other day, the bantams and Georgie's group were out together. I got the bantams in, counted four hens plus Spike and Aubrey, then got Georgie's eight in their pen and let out Atlas and his four. Awhile later, Tom yells, "A bantam is still out!". So, I go running and by the time I get there, it's resolved. Apparently, somehow, little Aimee had slipped back out and encountered one of the BR hens on range. They were in a fight and Atlas was on his way to the rescue when Tom intercepted them, scooped up Aimee and took her to her people. I asked was Aimee doing okay in the fight. He said, yeah, she was on the back of the BR hen, LOL. Fiesty ones, those little Belgian D'Anvers! Georgie's entire group will run from Aimee every time.
Sounds like a scuffle between a Chihuahua, and a Great Dane. Bet on the Chihuahua every time.

You got it! They can be all over that big bird, right, left, on top, over and under, etc, and the poor guy doesn't know which way to turn. The little ones have speed and agility on their side, no question! I was glad that Atlas didn't get there before Tom, though. I wasn't sure what he would have done to Aimee if he could have caught her. She is my biggest personality in the group, doesn't back down from anything, but she's also almost 8 years old, not a young thing anymore.
Two Brahmas now laying.....Countdown to Broody Town!

I'm patiently waiting for mine to start. Probably not until the days are a bit longer, though. And I wouldn't mind if they waited until we were consistently staying above freezing during the day. Frozen eggs are something I do not need.
Do you do anything to break a broody...or do you just let them hatch?

I've been getting 6-8 eggs/day from the new pullets. They started the last week in December at 27 weeks. There are 12 young girls and 3 that are 7 yo. One of the 7 yo's has started laying, but not consistently yet. I don't expect them to start again until end of Jan. based on previous years.
It's awfully cold up here for chicks unless you can keep them and their mom in a pen with heat. Lots of work.

Even here it's like that. It's so much work to supervise a mom with babies, make sure she is also eating, etc. I'd have to set up the little coop for her out of the barn, too. I hope they just don't do anything until it gets further toward spring. Pleasepleasepleaseplease...

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