The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

I found another silkie with fly strike. I think there's a sore. I soaked and washed his butt and cut away the feathers. Then I sprinkled him with Sevin and wait til tomorrow to see how things look with the area cleared up. While I was checking the butt of my black silkie roo, he had his beak latched on to my arm! Ouch!
While I was checking the butt of my black silkie roo, he had his beak latched on to my arm! Ouch!
Sounds like my porcelain D'Anver rooster, Aubrey. At over 8 years old, he still thinks I'm the enemy. As I always say, dumb as a box of rocks.
I have a crowing hen this morning. My 9 yr old Black Rock, Emily, was crowing her heart out and doing a good job of it, too. I've never seen/heard her to that until this morning. I was out there much earlier than normal. She did it three times. Good crow, too, but sounded like I had a teenage cockerel in the barn again.
Today, Brandy is on day 7 of her incubation and we are having a major heat wave, much worse than I remember here, today through Wednesday. Tomorrow, I have to take Tom to the hospital to get his shots and Wednesday, I have to go myself an hour south to my own doctor. She didn't need to see me for a year so it's been since last August for me.

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