The February Hatching Spectacular!!! Photo's are encouraged! JOIN NOW!

I set 64 eggs to hatch in my bator on the 6th so looking to have a great hatch at the end of the month will update with pics and info on the progression soon. I set eggs from my GSL's, and Production reds, all crossed with 2 roos a Pro. red and a Barred Rock so there ought to be some interesting results there. I'm all ready planning my next setting in early March and it will consist of 1 Black Australorp, 4 Barred Rocks, 2 Buff Orpingtons hens crossed with my Barred Rock roo should be quite an interesting mix there also. Then my April hatch will be an all Production red hatch to sell and hopefully help pay for some of the feed it will take to raise all those little critters.

Anyway happy hatching everbody.

Well I had three that were do today that did hatch out. As for the other 29 that are due on Thursday 3 have already pipped. I hope the rest follow.
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Hey count me in!!
I have 40 JG eggs in a LG and just put 10 JG and 10 RIR in my new/used sportsman. I just got it for $200 works perfect. Was used to hatch 2000+ chicks last year. (too many for me!) lol 16 JG's go into lock down on FEB. 11, then the 17, and the 28th. Then I still have more JG eggs in the mail. should be here this week.
Congrats on the hatches so far. They all look great!!!
Wish me luck!

Good luck and God Bless!
I have 4 or 5 silkie eggs and 3 silkie/ameraucana mixed eggs under a hen, due to hatch in a week. For some reason, this week is passing REAL slow...
barnie.gif name is Malinda and I am new to this group and chickens. I am trying my hand at hatching some eggs. I have 6 white eggs and 5 greenish eggs. They were free and they will be mutts (I guess). The people we got them from have lots of different chickens all free ranging all over their propery. They told me these eggs should be fertile. I candled them all last night and saw good yolks (which I think is a good thing). I am excited and so happy to follow along with the Feb group. My hatch day (if all goes well) should be the 28th or 1st.
from NH. Good luck on your hatch.
I have a few eggs going into lockdown tonight and then another batch in four days. Then I will have room to add some more eggs to hatch for next month.
I have a hatch due on Feb 17th (so today is day 13 of the incubation). Things are going very well for my first hatch of the year, other than the fact that the turner in my R-com 20 stopped working after the first day of incubation
(so I am now hand turning - one positive is that I was able to fit extra eggs in the incubator (26) instead of 20 since the turner is not working). I received 15 eggs from little ameraucana mom (11 blue/black/splash bantam ameraucana eggs plus 4 lavendar bantam ameraucana eggs). So far I have only had to toss 5 eggs (2 from the lavendar group - sadly they had blood rings
, 2 showing no development & 1 due to cracks in the egg). I am very hopeful
that the two remaining lavendar eggs make it through incubation, as I have never owned a chicken of that color. In with these eggs are standard blue/black/splash ameraucana eggs from hhand poultry (ebay auction) - out of the sixteen eggs I received (four extras), 15 are developing nicely - considering the eggs came from Texas all the way up to cold South Dakota, I am impressed how many are still developing at this point. Since I am away from home most of the day, I am only able to turn the eggs three to five times a day - I hope that this is enough
I will post some pics once the hatching process starts.

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