The Fire Inside ~ A dragon's story

All right, alright! Jeezum, give me an hour or two. I gotta go take care of my chickens, goats, and horses. Btw, your avvie looks like a girl in my choir class!


"Are you for real?" I asked the dragon shyly. "What do you think I am, plastic?" The dragon replied. Her voice sounded like three women speaking at the same time. "Of course I'm real!" I was taken aback by the dragon's sharp tongue. By Evera! She could at least tell me her name! I thought. As if the dragon heard my thoughts she said: " I am Wardine, your StarGuardian. I'm here to protect and guide you." Well, what do you know. She actually has a nice side! "Now, Tell me your name, little dragon." She boomed. I tried to sound brave while mom looked on. "I...I am Tayla." I told her. "And I am a dragon of Evera." Wardine looked a bit surprised. "Evera? I haven't been here since the--" She was cut off by a sharp look and a shake off the head by my mother. "Never mind." She said quickly. I suppressed a grin. Mom was scary! "I must leave, Tayla. But before I leave, Introduce me to your friend." Wardine looked just behind me into the growing shadows. I squinted my eyes and saw, Faaiza?

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