~The Forests of Avalon, A Dragon Roleplay~ 2

Amaria and Mayella emerged excitedly from their hut into the bright, crisp morning sunshine. Both dragoness's scales were gleaming brightly in the sun, scrubbed beyond clean for their special day. Today, they would leave behind their old lives and become warriors. Behind them hurried their mother, Ruth, carrying bright streamers of colorful leaves and pebbles which she draped around their shoulders as decoration. Stepping back to admire her handiwork, a small tear fell down her cheek. Henry should be here, he would be so proud!

Mayella reached towards her mother with a tender claw and wiped the tear away. "He will be watching," she assured her with a warm smile, knowing exactly what Ruth was thinking. "From Sauron's kingdom in the sky."

"Oh yes, yes I know." Ruth swallowed back her tears and forced a smile, today was a day for celebration, not sorrow. "Come quickly now or we'll be late, and you still need to get your headdresses from Amatis, don't forget! I have to pick up Charlotte, she wants to come and see you."

Amaria and Mayella both smiled affectionately as Ruth hurried away, then turned towards the High Guard once she was out of sight. "Nervous?" Mayella asked her sister as they walked. She could feel butterflies swarming around her stomach, it made her giddy.

Amaria hesitated for a second, then nodded. "Yeah, a bit, but I'm mostly excited. We don't have to listen to Arrow complain anymore!"

Mayella giggled, partly because of Amaria's joke and partly because of the butterflies. "I know, I can't wait!"
Already at the ceremony, Chandler and Coraline were seated a small distance apart, watching eagerly for their fellow learners to arrive. In some ways it was similar to a human wedding, the learner to be "crowned" as they called it, would walk down the centre of the isle, surrounded by the rest of Pelendava to be handed off by their fathers to the monarch, in this case Camilla and Stephan. With this ritual they were forever bound in service to whoever held the throne.

Coraline couldn't wait, a lifetime of fighting off rogues and Caronian warriors was impossible to beat. She could already imagine herself on the council as the senior, most experienced and valuable warrior Pelendava had ever seen. They would tell stories about her heroic acts for centuries even after her death, maybe even make a statue of her!

Chandler sat quietly, his eyes watching the same spot as Coraline's were, but with a different thought. Though he was excited for his turn to walk down the isle, it was for different reasons. He wasn't a fan of fighting, he wasn't even that great at it. As a foreigner, he felt a strong debt that he still owed to the city that took him in. He hoped that as a warrior he could fight for his city and pay them back for what they did for him.

(Sorry, I know I kinda made up that part about the wedding. It was a cool idea, if you don't like it then I can change it.)
(No its fine, I like it. It fits with the decorating part)

Since Amaria and Mayella's father, Henry, had been killed weeks earlier, Samuel offered to act in his place. He had been good friends with Henry and helped Ruth out a lot after her mate's death. A few last minute touches to the decorations later and it was time to start. Camilla gave a wave and the crowd hushed, heads turned and necks craned to catch of a glimpse of the learners to be crowned. The dragons parted, leaving a path snaking through the crowded area towards the front where Camilla and Stephan were waiting, this way everybody got a chance to see them. Unlike a human wedding, the procession was completely silent. As the two dragonesses walked by, heads were bowed in respect and even the hatchlings were kept silent.

Both dragesses were decked out to the top with colorful streamers trailing behind them and sparkling diamonds stuck to their scales with tree sap. On each of their heads sat a small crown of five flowers, each representing a council member. On top of that were two larger, more elegant flowers which represented the King and Queen. The crowns, which had been used since the time of Sauron, were sacred and only worn by those worthy of becoming a warrior. Behind them came Samuel, unlike the learners to be crowned he was wearing nothing except a single silver streamer.

Once they reached the front, all three dragons bowed to Camilla and Stephan, who then returned the bow. The King and Queen were dressed as Samuel was, except with a gold streamer instead of silver. "Amaria, Mayella," Camilla addressed them both at the same time. "You have trained for many, many moons for this, and have witnessed many horrors which many of your status cannot even dream of. I have no doubt that both of you will become great warriors under the crown, warriors for your father to be proud of."
Chandler watched in silence, as he did with everything. Coraline, on the other hand, squirmed in her spot. She remained as quiet as everyone else, she had no choice, but resented the silence.

Kemi, who was seated beside Chandler, followed the procession with her eyes, her head hardly moving. She was happy for them, but wished the ceremony was less elaborate. Being a warrior was an honor, for sure, but not a game.

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