The Fricken Chicken story!

:D Sneak peak at what's to come for the Fricken Chickens! :celebrate
WOW! That will make a serious coop. They are some lucky chooks!
12 x 7.5ft! I am considering, splitting it into 2, 4 x 7 section with the center open. Framing in 2 man doors, using hardware cloth. So it's like having 2 separate small coops. Another reason I want to do that, so I can leave both main doors open for air in the summer. Of course, I have plans for more ventilation. Falkor only has 8 hens left, 2 of which are bantam. I've decided not to add more to his flock. I want to focus on my silkies, and one rarer breed. I have a trio of crested cream legbar too, that I'm having a hard time letting go.
That a big coop! Your chickens will love it!
My husband words..... you know, I could be spending this money on a shed, to actually put my tractor in.... my words. Ok, I guess the chickens can live in our heated/cooled garage 😉

I should have it in my possession tomorrow!! Thankfully I know many of people with roll off trucks! We still have to level out a spot and set it on bricks. But my main concern was getting it here.
My husband words..... you know, I could be spending this money on a shed, to actually put my tractor in.... my words. Ok, I guess the chickens can live in our heated/cooled garage 😉

I should have it in my possession tomorrow!! Thankfully I know many of people with roll off trucks! We still have to level out a spot and set it on bricks. But my main concern was getting it here.
So exciting!
My list of to do for the shed.
  • Paint outside to match silkie coop.
  • Paint inside with good paint to keep the moisture from the wood.
  • Add ventilation
  • Repair the door
  • Frame in some divider with 2x4 and hardware cloth
  • Build roost poles
List for around the shed area.
  • Cut out junk trees and brush
  • And get it ready for fencing
  • Level area for shed
  • Lay block for foundation
I have a 40 x 60 (probably bigger than that) wood fence back there. Half of it was hit by a tree. But the post in the ground are still solid. I plan on using it for my runs.

I have alot of work to get done. 😩

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