The Gen Z Thread

I love mashed potatoes, but every time I make them I drive myself crazy getting the lumps out
Have you tried a hand mixer?
the lumps and the milk, butter, potato ratio always messes me up

but the lumps are good, I like SOME lumps in mine. I get angry when they make it all smoothed out.
I don't really care. It's potatoes, and that's good enough for me, most of the time.
Also very good with sour cream.
Okay, I haven't made grease catch fire before.
I've had steak on the grill be briefly on fire, but not bacon in a pan.

For y'all who don't know, put a lid over the pan containing the flaming grease. Never pour water on it.

pour baking soda over the top, smother it.

Do NOT put flour on it. Flour is bad... it will expload
Oh, ok. Sorry, I'm really bad at reading tone and my immediate reaction is negative.

That's exactly my point. There's a rule at my school that teachers can't force their own opinions in class (for instance, any discussion of the Jan 6 thing was prohibited bc everyone there was so volatile about it) but apparently it's fine if you're a white male boomer.
But isn't great that the media truly does know the words "riot, sedition and insurrection"?
Haven't heard that before, but that makes sense. In lieu of a lid, smother it some other way.

I don't usually have a lid around, but the baking soda is right above the stove in the cabinet.

A good idea would be to have a good amount of baking soda next to you when cooking something in grease. Safety first.

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