The Great Diaper Experiment!


10 Years
May 11, 2013
Okay, so I'm taking the plunge and got everything I need to make a new diaper for Wobbles! So far it's going okay, I don't have a sewing machine so even though it's on the smallish side, it's gonna be a pain to sew everything by hand. It'll be several days' worth of work instead of just a couple hours. Bleh.

Anyway, here's what I got so far! I found a lovely royal purple bathing suit fabric. I think she'll look super pretty in it when it's finished!

Did I mention that this is a hundred times more difficult when Wobbles keeps trying to run off with the bits of fabric, thread and plastic clasps? Because it totally is...
Ugh, talk about a setback...I finished sewing the first two panels together and I swear the whole thing vanished, pins, lining and all! I've scoured the room, it is just straight up gone. Five hours of work down the drain...I'm now convinced that goblins are real. And they steal duck diapers.
Good to know I'm not the only one with goblins. :lau Has it turned up yet?

Oh and at walmart they sell little handheld sewing machine things. I can't remember what they are called at the moment. I was actually thinking of getting one myself. Sewing by hand sucks Lol.
You might wanna make an easy version to try out. The work I was putting into mine ended up being kinda pointless. Once I tried to put them on they didn't fit super perfect. Then once I did get some one just using safety pins to hold them ideally, they didn't stay that way for long. The way I'd make them now is different. I'm glad I didn't go all-in in the 1st round.

Your case might be different. You have a big one :) Did they ever show up?

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