The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

What a story! It's exciting and how brave you were to do that! ALL of that! I hope you are able to get your citizenship with out too much hassle and I hope I get to meet you IRL someday! Well, it's official on this site, anyway, you are already an Alabamian (even before you are an American!)
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Let me tell you a story (Oh boy, here she goes..)

No seriously. When I first visited the US, I came for 3 weeks. I was 19.. or 20.. or somewhere around there haha. Anyway, young and stupid me didn't really think too well at the time, but I was ready to fly the coop. I had met some folks online over the years and one particular guy I got along with rather well. We had been talking for months over the phone, 2 hours a day atleast (I had a calling plan, before you worry!). I spoke to his mom as well, so I knew I wasn't going straight into the arms of a homicidal creep.

I decided I was going to fly to the US, never had been on a plane, or been away from my family more than 5 days.. It was the strangest thing. Within those three weeks I felt I had come home. I never really liked Holland. I was awkward, didn't fit in.. I was an outcast really. And I came to Alabama and I found a new world.

I spent one month in Holland, then I actually asked him to marry me, per Justice of the peace, we wouldn't be *really* married, right? It would just be like dating. That little piece of paper wouldn't matter much.

I flew back to the US again, to stay for 3 months, the longest my visa was valid for. We started some of the paperwork on getting a visa valid for marriage. I already moved some of my things into their house at that time haha. His mom loved me, his dad liked me.. I was right at home. I went to his grandparents for Thanksgiving and they adored me.

It took us a year to get the paper hassle done. He flew to Holland twice and the last time he visited, I flew back with him. Never been back since... That was September 1st, 2004.

We lived with his parents a few years, finally I was allowed to work (that took 2 years), we got an apartment, bought a house a couple years after that... We divorced a few years ago, we had grown up and grown apart. Don't regret any of it, I know we helped eachother achieve things we wouldn't have achieved on our own. Some family thought I would surely come back with my tail between my legs after that, but I didn't even consider it. I still love his family, and his mom still considers me her daughter. I do not speak to them a whole lot, it's a little weird to me... but I know if I ever need them, they'd be there for me.

I'm 30 now, have got a beautiful son with a wonderful man, and we have custody of his son. I kept the house, because my (ex)husband didn't want the responsibility).

This year I plan on getting my citizenship.. and hopefully FINALLY get married. Maybe for real this time.. in a dress...
(Oooooh, chicken bridesmaids!) Oh, and my step-son DOES have an uncle Bubba. That's a whole 'nother story...
the stories are the best part. yours is wonderful
Let me tell you a story (Oh boy, here she goes..)

No seriously. When I first visited the US, I came for 3 weeks. I was 19.. or 20.. or somewhere around there haha. Anyway, young and stupid me didn't really think too well at the time, but I was ready to fly the coop. I had met some folks online over the years and one particular guy I got along with rather well. We had been talking for months over the phone, 2 hours a day atleast (I had a calling plan, before you worry!). I spoke to his mom as well, so I knew I wasn't going straight into the arms of a homicidal creep.

I decided I was going to fly to the US, never had been on a plane, or been away from my family more than 5 days.. It was the strangest thing. Within those three weeks I felt I had come home. I never really liked Holland. I was awkward, didn't fit in.. I was an outcast really. And I came to Alabama and I found a new world.

I spent one month in Holland, then I actually asked him to marry me, per Justice of the peace, we wouldn't be *really* married, right? It would just be like dating. That little piece of paper wouldn't matter much.

I flew back to the US again, to stay for 3 months, the longest my visa was valid for. We started some of the paperwork on getting a visa valid for marriage. I already moved some of my things into their house at that time haha. His mom loved me, his dad liked me.. I was right at home. I went to his grandparents for Thanksgiving and they adored me.

It took us a year to get the paper hassle done. He flew to Holland twice and the last time he visited, I flew back with him. Never been back since... That was September 1st, 2004.

We lived with his parents a few years, finally I was allowed to work (that took 2 years), we got an apartment, bought a house a couple years after that... We divorced a few years ago, we had grown up and grown apart. Don't regret any of it, I know we helped eachother achieve things we wouldn't have achieved on our own. Some family thought I would surely come back with my tail between my legs after that, but I didn't even consider it. I still love his family, and his mom still considers me her daughter. I do not speak to them a whole lot, it's a little weird to me... but I know if I ever need them, they'd be there for me.

I'm 30 now, have got a beautiful son with a wonderful man, and we have custody of his son. I kept the house, because my (ex)husband didn't want the responsibility).

This year I plan on getting my citizenship.. and hopefully FINALLY get married. Maybe for real this time.. in a dress... :lol: (Oooooh, chicken bridesmaids!) Oh, and my step-son DOES have an uncle Bubba. That's a whole 'nother story...

You have the Alabama ingenuity. Sure you aren't Scottish-German like the rest of us?
Patientlly waiting for day 5 soI can turn on the turner.In the meantime here are a couple pictures of whats going on out in the coop.We have been having a blizzard here since yesterday.45 mile an hour gusts at times.Here is a picture of Blizzard the first to hatch in the blizzard.These are silkies,there are more under her but to cold to pick her up to see.There are 20 eggs in the box but 3 broodies are setting on them.Two of them came out for a quick drink and bite to eat and right back in.This is my coop with the snow from Sat.then the storm started Sunday and today.These are the silkies in waiting and the cochin for the eggs to hatch in the bator,then the chicks will go under them after they have dried off for a day

Candled just now. Wisher1000 eggs 15 were ok, like this

Only one was clear, did the eggtopsy, it was scramble

My other eggs I got from S Carolina and put in the following day, i candled them also. 10 ok, 5 unfertile and 1 scramble
So now I have 25 out of 32 eggs in the bator. 14 days to go!
Candled just now. Wisher1000 eggs 15 were ok, like this

Only one was clear, did the eggtopsy, it was scramble

My other eggs I got from S Carolina and put in the following day, i candled them also. 10 ok, 5 unfertile and 1 scramble
So now I have 25 out of 32 eggs in the bator. 14 days to go!

How exciting!

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