The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

SCG sorry for the "Roll Tide". I forget not everyone lives for football. Well God first then family then chickens THEN football. I really wanted to say BOOMER SOONER but looked around and saw I was out numbered. LOL.
That is not the order I would put those things in. I'll let y'all figure out what order I would put them would not be last........
OK Wisher
19 day candling
all ten have made it to lock down along with 18 of my own. I candled each and every one and all were dancing in their shells! I had two of wishers that have already internally pipped. Here they are in the hatcher.
Here are your ten

those are the most beautiful eggs Wisher. It was another slow day at work so I read a thread on the best way to ship eggs. It was very interesting. They could take lessons from you. SCG sorry for the "Roll Tide". I forget not everyone lives for football. Well God first then family then chickens THEN football. I really wanted to say BOOMER SOONER but looked around and saw I was out numbered. LOL.
...and here I am sitting in my purple and gold.

I have been following this thread and just want to say thanks to everyone for the wealth of info being posted here, especially with the photos. The visuals really make a difference in the learning process.
Welcome, Bay! Glad you finally spoke up and introduced yourself. We are happy that it is helping, that was the whole point! I'll even throw a small Geaux Tigers out there in honor of your first time here, but don't expect to ever hear it from me again! LOL!

Yes, internal pips are when the chick first pokes thru to the air cell and starts breathing air. It is the first stage of hatching and when you can hear them chirping. You can sometimes see the little beak in the air cell when you candle.

Jess - Great news! It won't be long now.... but one thing, I am afraid you don't have enough thermometers, maybe you should invest in a few more.......
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those are the most beautiful eggs Wisher. It was another slow day at work so I read a thread on the best way to ship eggs. It was very interesting. They could take lessons from you. SCG sorry for the "Roll Tide". I forget not everyone lives for football. Well God first then family then chickens THEN football. I really wanted to say BOOMER SOONER but looked around and saw I was out numbered. LOL.
Boomer Sooner...Boomer Sooner...Boomer Sooner...Boomer Sooner...Easiest team song out there.
i received 2 lots of eggs today.

the first was 10 marans (9+1). They were packed in bubble wrap, on their sides and a 3/4 inch thick peice of foam rubber above below and in between 2 layers of eggs.

The second set was 18+2 eggs. double boxed and individually bubble rapped. 14 were big end up with 4 sitting on their sides on top. One was busted.

Both sets were shipped Monday and arrived wednesday
Welcome, Bay! Glad you finally spoke up and introduced yourself. We are happy that it is helping, that was the whole point! I'll even throw a small Geaux Tigers out there in honor of your first time here, but don't expect to ever hear it from me again! LOL!

Yes, internal pips are when the chick first pokes thru to the air cell and starts breathing air. It is the first stage of hatching and when you can hear them chirping. You can sometimes see the little beak in the air cell when you candle.

Jess - Great news! It won't be long now.... but one thing, I am afraid you don't have enough thermometers, maybe you should invest in a few more.......

I know right! I am so anal about the temps in my bators.... constantly checking them. It took me three weeks to dial my bator in before I thought about setting eggs in it. little adjustments at a time... For the final test I put a dozen store bought eggs to make sure it didn't go haywire. Can you tell I love my birds?

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