The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

Congratulations Dan !
Hello everyone, it has started. 18 due yesterday. Holding steady at 4, Looks like its gonna be 3 of Wisher's Welsumers and one of my pearl Leghorns. Wisher BCM pipping, looking for a good hatch.
I got am email today from one of the ebay sellers whose eggs i purchased she said her husband informes her today that one of the roos from amother breeding pen and jumped into the welsummer pen so there is a chance i might have some welsummer x's in im waiting to hear back what the possible roo might be.
I got am email today from one of the ebay sellers whose eggs i purchased she said her husband informes her today that one of the roos from amother breeding pen and jumped into the welsummer pen so there is a chance i might have some welsummer x's in im waiting to hear back what the possible roo might be.
I had shipped eggs be crosses. There is a theory out there about sperm in a hen being first in first out. Just like thinking that the Roo determines whether a chick will be a boy or a girl(The hen determines gender with chickesn), This is wrong thinking. It mixes in a storage organ and lives four 21 days or so!

The person removed a Wheaten Ameracauna Roo from a pen of SG Dorkings and added a SG Dorking Roo. She only waited 2 weeks before collecting the eggs she shipped me. This is what I got:



Well I know nothing about the dorkings but i do know that pullet has wheaten ameracauna in it I'm assuming that is what a dorking roo is supposed to look like?
The roo is a cross too.

This is an SG Dorking Pullet (Mimi)

This is an SG Dorking Cockerel(Corwin)

I love the Dorking X Ameracauna pullet! She lays the most beautiful blue eggs. Hers is the one in the middle. The white one is from Mimi, the SG Dorking pullet.


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