The Hatch That BYC Built (aka Frieda vs. the Brinsea!) (Warning--pic heavy)

I wish I had a broody to do a comparison with also. Your thread is going to be exciting and FUN! You should do one of the polls and see who is for Freida and who is for the Brinsea
but I think we'd all be pulling for Frieda. GO GIRL!

I have no clue how to do polls

Well, not exactly anything interesting to report, yet. Heck, not even much to check yet! Temp's perfect in the Brinsea, and the humidity with it dry is about 42%. Frieda's on the eggs. I don't see that changing over the next 3 weeks...

I'll start turning my eggs after work on Thursday, which will be day 4. I'm planning on candling the Brinsea eggs on days 7, 14, and 18. My best candler is my phone, which is also my camera, though I'll also try my second best, which is a little 300 lumen Cree flashlight, so I can at least get pics of the Sulmtaler eggs. I'll be marking aircells, so I can certainly get pictures of those, even if I can't get good pics of veins and such. I'll candle Frieda's eggs on day 10, to pull definite clears (so I'm guessing all the BCM will be staying...)
Oh, I almost forgot--I was talking to the mom of one of my daughter's soccer team mates at the end-of-season team party, and I may be able to sell any extra chicks, once I'm certain about sex! Both her son and his best friend are members of the Grange, and showed poultry at the fair for the first time this summer.
Oh, I almost forgot--I was talking to the mom of one of my daughter's soccer team mates at the end-of-season team party, and I may be able to sell any extra chicks, once I'm certain about sex! Both her son and his best friend are members of the Grange, and showed poultry at the fair for the first time this summer.

Yay!! :woot

The Sulmtalers are Wheaten so they are easy to sex as soon as feathers start to come in... I have a pair right now I'll get a pic of for you so you can see the difference... BCM's are a bit harder, but most of the boys are obvious fairly quick... some I could tell right at hatch (like little SC, lol)... oh, that reminds me, I gotta catch that little upstart and get an updated pic... :gig
Here's the Sulmtaler chicks...


Girl on right, boy on left...


Now girl on left, boy on right... take note of the lighter feathers on her chest, the boys will get black feathers on their chests while girls all have same light ones on theirs...

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