The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

Very proud of my son. He took BEST COCKEREL BANTAM, BEST PULLET BANTAM, BEST BREEDING PAIR and went back in to compete against LF and took GRAND CHAMPION over all with his underwood HRIR Bantam cockerel!! He was SOSOSOSO happy.
Very proud of my son. He took BEST COCKEREL BANTAM, BEST PULLET BANTAM, BEST BREEDING PAIR and went back in to compete against LF and took GRAND CHAMPION over all with his underwood HRIR Bantam cockerel!! He was SOSOSOSO happy.
That is wonderful! You should be proud of your son.
Very proud of my son. He took BEST COCKEREL BANTAM, BEST PULLET BANTAM, BEST BREEDING PAIR and went back in to compete against LF and took GRAND CHAMPION over all with his underwood HRIR Bantam cockerel!! He was SOSOSOSO happy.
Congratulations maybe you can send us a picture of her one day. Gary has some very good reds. bob
While not good for your kidneys, it is a great time saver.  Stopping also can allow your eyes and mind to refocus a bit, helping to prevent accidents. With my children it is every 30-45 minutes for bathroom breaks, stretching of legs, finding dropped toys, and juice refills to start the bathroom stops all over again.  Long gone are my days of driving non stop for hours on end.

Haha yeah.
The picture looks good. Check out the seller and make sure it is legit. I would send them this:

Edited to add: From Oz Expat
An open letter to egg shippers
Dear Sir/Madam
I am excited about our business arrangement and look
forward to your eggs arriving here in the best possible
condition. While I am sure you have had plenty of
experience shipping eggs, I have had vast experience
receiving eggs. Many of those I have received have failed
miserably. I would like to share what I feel is the ideal
way to receive eggs.
1. Eggs must be fresh. By that I mean that they should
be less than 3 days. It takes 3 days for USPS to get the
eggs from you to me and then they need to rest for 24
hours. Any eggs over 3 days old when shipped will be
over 7 days old when I get them into my incubator.
(when I negotiate for shipped eggs that I am going to
take overseas I only buy from sellers that can collect the
day before and the day of posting). Also remember that
the older the egg the larger the air cell so the more
damage. Please never ship me an egg laid on a
2. Please label the eggs before you wrap them. You
may only have one breed of birds but I may be buying
several orders at one and sometimes I have to look up
the shipping label to reference in order to find out who
they came from and what breed they are. I am always
impressed when the date laid is also on there. A lead
pencil or non-toxic marker such as a sharpie are great.
One shipper also included a letter code for the different
pens. This was great as I could then provide feedback to
the shipper about the hatch rates from different pens.
3. Packing. I prefer the skyline
ng_eggs.html using bubble wrapped individual eggs and have
them sit large end up. Use lots of shredded paper or styro peanuts
to fill the voids between, above and below the eggs. Then place
them in a second box with the same material padding. This will
minimized impact damage. Lots of heavy and odd shaped items will
be in the same trucks as these precious lives. Alternatively, ship
with foam inserts available I
personally use these to ship eggs overseas. They are more costly
but the best solution I have found.
4. Shipping. Never ship on Thursday. That will
guarantee you will give me old eggs. The best shipping
days are Saturdays, Monday and Tuesday. This gives the
post office wiggle room to mess up the shipment and still
get here with time to salvage. A Wednesday and
Thursday shipments are risky. Fridays are OK but
occasionally the USPS can get eggs here in 2 days and
Friday shipments remove that possibility.
5. Ask me if it is my preference to pick them up at the
post office (reducing handling) or not. Some of who work
These are my eggs on Ebay.I have had very good hatch rates with my shipped eggs.I have always replaced any that don't hatch well or arrive broken.I also sell chicks in the spring. I always ship the day you ask if I have eggs available at the time and will listen to any stipulations and try to work with you. I am hoping to show my birds this coming spring. I hope this helps. And yes buying shipped eggs is a risk but I always work with you. If you look back through this thread I have posted several pictures of my birds at different stages of their growing stages. My birds came from SGribble who has some of the best RIR's I have ever seen. I would encourage anyone that is driving distance to Steve to buy birds from him. My choice if I lived close enough would be buy chicks but shipping eggs is probably the next best thing.
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These are my eggs on Ebay.I have had very good hatch rates with my shipped eggs.I have always replaced any that don't hatch well or arrive broken.I also sell chicks in the spring. I always ship the day you ask if I have eggs available at the time and will listen to any stipulations and try to work with you. I am hoping to show my birds this coming spring. I hope this helps. And yes buying shipped eggs is a risk but I always work with you.
I have bought eggs off Ebay and most times the seller is very easy to work with, but all I have ever said for myself personally, do your homework and ask questions because some of these Ebayers don't know their bloodline or even where their HRIRs came from. JMO

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