The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

What i do is buy wheat germ oil and cod liver oil by the gallon. i mix a large cooking spoon of each in the feed nearly every day especially coming into the moult. it will bring a shine to feathers as good as anything else i tried. as well as being healthy for fowl it will put a show shine on feathers.
Are you mixing it into wet feed? And do you mix the two bottles together or just mixing separate. My chickens eat most anything I take out there in a bowl, love ice cream, yogurt, left over sweets such as cake, donuts.
this is a great site with a lot of good info.about chickens. and i post only what works for me by trial and error. i feed a femented feed in the morning to get them through the heat. in the evening i feed a little grain mixed with the cod liver oil and wheat germ oil. sometimes i will mix a little red cell liquid in the fermented feed its good for them. i know some people feed differant things at differant times but this works good for me. my pullets drop eggs like crazy. but i also keep a feeder with lay pellets mixed with calf mana and grit and oyster shell. and no it has not burned them out like you might think i have been feeding like this since 1982 .
Just checking In AND wanted to say HI!!!! Been really Busy with my meat rabbits and finishing My new Barn!! Hope everyone is faring well!!

If your RIRs are production reds they'll never look like the HRIRs on here unless you are crossing the HRIRs onto your flock then it is going to take you years to "maybe" get it perfected and probably not then. JMO, not trying to knock you down we have to start somewhere and I also have production reds but as they die off will replace them with HRIRs. It cost money to feed them nowadays.
oh I know that I was just stating that I love the look of that one because it's not lanky but muscle looking. Thank you for being kind on how you said that to. That was VERY sweet of you.

beginner breeder please give me honest feed back on my 6 month old boys. all these pics are from the same boy. I just moved them to a new pen and it was hot. so their wings are out and he was a little stretched out. you wont hurt my feelings be 100% honest please
here is my other 6 month old boy, I am disappointed to see the front of his comb just now starting to waver a little in the front. Honest feed back please! not as many pics and not that great, he just didnt want to be photoed LOL

Just checking In AND wanted to say HI!!!! Been really Busy with my meat rabbits and finishing My new Barn!! Hope everyone is faring well!!

Glad you posted. Hope all has had a great holiday.

Standard breed reds are docile you will find that if you have them you can compare. The feed store kind can have a tendency to be aggressive but its not their fault. They are breed that way for high egg production. However, the dark males get a bad rap and they are insistent.

I like the type of this male. Your srain looking at the females has good color nice green tails good head ponts.

They are still young and need two more months to finish out on the males.

The females seem to be flat on their back and not eleveated like a Plymouth Rock like most strains are.

So that is a plus. Is this your first year with them? What strain are they from?

Thanks for posting your pictures. Bob
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we have gotten a pair of reds 2 yrs ago and lost them the day after we fed them pumpkins and then we got a few the next year (but they turned pretty aggressive) and since these are handled and shown by my 10 yr old son, we just couldnt have that. so we got rid of them and purchased some chicks from underwood early this spring. this is the 1st time we have decided to raise and try to breed our own. but we have all underwood birds with the excepting of one older hen (shes kind of our mascot lol)

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