The Hidden Door-A Role Play (AKA The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop II)

Ashira could sense strong thoughts, but she forced herself to block them out, even though it made her head hurt. “Okay,” she answered softly, a little worried over him being so solemn.

Kipp followed her as they started walking again. He stifled a sighed pursing his lips at the curious surroundings, impatient annoyance with himself growing. Getting to know new people was hard. Normally he'd vanish when things started getting awkward, but that wasn't really possible right now.

"I'm sorry, I'm not used to having people know everything I'm thinking." He offered, unimpressed with how lame he sounded. "Just because I think something doesn't mean, that's what I think." That doesn't make sense. "I mean, I don't know what I think, until I've had a chance to think." Did that make more sense? Keep going explain. She'll either understand or she won't. "Then I decide if I want to tell people. Usually I don't." Kipp frowned down at the ground, the long pauses between his sentences sounded weird. "I don't- I mean, obviously you need to read my mind. Or you're not going to be able to communicate." He shrugged uncomfortably, "It's fine if you use your power and know everything." How are you going to say that having someone respond to your thoughts freaks you out, without sounding like a jerk. He bit his lip fixing his eyes on the backs of Ashira's shoes. "My thoughts are a jumbled mess. And there's things that I'd never say, or that I don't want people to know. So, if you could just pretend like you don't know everything that passes through my head, that would help a lot."
Take gawked at Blair, frowning when he was pushed back, “Come on! I’m not that hurt. I still have a good arm, legs, and I can bite..” he growled, trying to move his hand on his injured arm, but it refused, even his fingers. What the... He tried to ignore it and ran past Blair again “You gotta stop me first” he sneered, twisting his body away from her. His true goal could be that he wanted to mess with her, but at the same time he did in fact want to face the manticore that wounded him.
A growl rose in Blair's throat, and she bolted after him, her legs aching from having to exert so much energy so quickly by moving so fast. She put one burst of speed and spun in front of him, and before she realized it the wolf had taken complete control, tackling Take to the ground. "What the hell, dude?" It was very obviously not Blair's own voice, golden eyes looking down at him with disgust from where she was on top of him.
"God, I hate your damn face... why did you have to do that?"
Kipp followed her as they started walking again. He stifled a sighed pursing his lips at the curious surroundings, impatient annoyance with himself growing. Getting to know new people was hard. Normally he'd vanish when things started getting awkward, but that wasn't really possible right now.

"I'm sorry, I'm not used to having people know everything I'm thinking." He offered, unimpressed with how lame he sounded. "Just because I think something doesn't mean, that's what I think." That doesn't make sense. "I mean, I don't know what I think, until I've had a chance to think." Did that make more sense? Keep going explain. She'll either understand or she won't. "Then I decide if I want to tell people. Usually I don't." Kipp frowned down at the ground, the long pauses between his sentences sounded weird. "I don't- I mean, obviously you need to read my mind. Or you're not going to be able to communicate." He shrugged uncomfortably, "It's fine if you use your power and know everything." How are you going to say that having someone respond to your thoughts freaks you out, without sounding like a jerk. He bit his lip fixing his eyes on the backs of Ashira's shoes. "My thoughts are a jumbled mess. And there's things that I'd never say, or that I don't want people to know. So, if you could just pretend like you don't know everything that passes through my head, that would help a lot."
“I can do that,” she said with a nod. “Don’t worry about it, I get it. Thoughts are a private place, you know? Somewhere only you know and can go. With me, I kind of take that away.” To hide her embarrassment of her power, she ducked under a low hanging branch. Ashira wished she didn’t read thoughts. Other than being able to speak with Kipp, there wasn’t much she was able to do that felt normal.
Aria quickly teleported. She landed choking on her sobs of pain, the wound was turning a funny greenish colour. Aria whimpered softly. She hadn’t been strong enough to get them as far as she has wanted to but they were a safe distance away
“Everyone okay?” Aria asked
Ciro's dwindling resolve to retreat snapped when he watched the cougar man's arm disappear into the beast's maw. "Okay, that's enough." He whipped his head around until he located the person nearest to him on the sidelines. He teetered over to the stick-wielding girl and let the wolf slide to the ground at her feet. "Can you un ojo en ella, amiga?" he pleaded, using all of the wide-eyed gravity he could muster. However bad he felt about not giving her a rightful say in the matter, he negated courtesy to whirl around and race toward the confrontation without waiting for a response.
While he ran, he stooped over to grab a small boulder and sent it hurtling toward the manticore's head, which was an effortless move compared to what he'd been hauling around earlier. "¿Tenemos un plan?"
He screamed in agony and used his dagger to stab the beast in the roof of its mouth, hoping that would be enough to make it let go. If it didn't he didn't know what he would do. Buck was still trapped under the beast, so there was no help there, and his hand with the dagger was trapped in the manticore's mouth. He continued to stab the insides of its mouth, hoping desperately it would release him and Buck
“Whoa whoa I will free buck. You? You get your arm looked at” Ellie grinned at him “I got this, I promise” she yanked him back by his shoulder. Her eyes heated up again as she shot it hard with her lasers making it turn towards her. “Buck! Out! Now” she called
“You two get out of here. This is about to get really messy” Ellie hissed. She began shooting it with her powerful lasers but they seemed to be bouncing off its skin. “ the world?” Ellie looked confused “Carson. Give me your dagger” She hissed
Hana collapsed to the ground when the manticore pinned Buck, but eventually the giant cat was set free by the girl with laser eyes. Hana’s body unhardened when her back collided with the ground, forcing out the air from her lungs and nearly knocking the mask off her face. She sat up and started to collect herself quickly, tightening her mask and searching for the weapon that flew out of her hands when she fell. Her hands searched the ground eagerly for her prized katana, until she cut her finger on the blade, finding it. She ignored the blood that flowed from her finger and regained her hold on the hilt. Now that the manticore was blinded and weakened by the other members of the groups, she wouldn’t let their efforts go to waste. Hana was solely running on andrenaline at this point, so she ran and hopped onto its back, wedging the blade into its skull, hopefully tearing right into the brain of the beast.
The uncrushable, undefeatable beast was defeated. It thrashed and screamed a human scream. It shoved away its offender before crumpling to the ground, beating its wings like... dare I say... a chicken with its head cut off.
“Everyone okay?” Aria asked
"Better question; are you okay?" Kylan said, quickly letting go of a disgruntled Lilith and handing Tru's leash back to her before shuffling over to Aria and inspecting her wound. Yeah, that's definitely poisoned. "Uh... Kevin?"

Lilith ignored her question, instead moving to the edge of the small group and eyeing the direction they came from as she desperately tried to sense the creature's whereabouts. "We're not far away from it." She finally said. "We'll need to start moving soon, no doubt it'll try to find us again."
"Better question; are you okay?" Kylan said, quickly letting go of a disgruntled Lilith and handing Tru's leash back to her before shuffling over to Aria and inspecting her wound. Yeah, that's definitely poisoned. "Uh... Kevin?"

Lilith ignored her question, instead moving to the edge of the small group and eyeing the direction they came from as she desperately tried to sense the creature's whereabouts. "We're not far away from it." She finally said. "We'll need to start moving soon, no doubt it'll try to find us again."
“I’m fine” Aria lied “besides we have more important things to worry about, like getting the lost children”
Lilith shivered from the adrenaline, her eyes getting darker and darker as the blue in them spread. Her hands were shaking and reaching out from her body, readying for a bloody fight.
But then someone grabbed her hand. She glanced back, noticing Kevin. "Wha-- Oh." It suddenly dawned on her that, in fact, they didn't need to fight. Aria could teleport them to safety.

Kylan simply obeyed once again, one hand gripping down on Lilith's shoulder and the other on Tru's scruff.
Aria quickly teleported. She landed choking on her sobs of pain, the wound was turning a funny greenish colour. Aria whimpered softly. She hadn’t been strong enough to get them as far as she has wanted to but they were a safe distance away
"Better question; are you okay?" Kylan said, quickly letting go of a disgruntled Lilith and handing Tru's leash back to her before shuffling over to Aria and inspecting her wound. Yeah, that's definitely poisoned. "Uh... Kevin?"

Lilith ignored her question, instead moving to the edge of the small group and eyeing the direction they came from as she desperately tried to sense the creature's whereabouts. "We're not far away from it." She finally said. "We'll need to start moving soon, no doubt it'll try to find us again."
“I’m fine” Aria lied “besides we have more important things to worry about, like getting the lost children”

Kevin gave Lilith a concerned look as her eyes changed colors. “Are you oka-?” He was cut off as they were suddenly transported away from the manticoress.
“On it,” he told Kylan, grabbing Aria’s injured hand in his. He closed his eyes as the green glow spread through his hand. He focused on her wound, first numbing the area.
But nothing happened.
He grimaced, a bead of sweat falling down the side of his face as he forced more magic into her wound. The venom kept it from healing, no matter how hard he tried. He let go, opening his eyes and wiping his forehead. “Kylan, do you have a tourniquet?” Kevin asked.
“I can do that,” she said with a nod. “Don’t worry about it, I get it. Thoughts are a private place, you know? Somewhere only you know and can go. With me, I kind of take that away.” To hide her embarrassment of her power, she ducked under a low hanging branch. Ashira wished she didn’t read thoughts. Other than being able to speak with Kipp, there wasn’t much she was able to do that felt normal.
Kipp was relieved she understood what he was trying to say. He wasn't sure he'd be able to figure it out from what he'd managed to say.

"So, any other ideas for how we can fight them off if they come after us again? They're super tall. And we're kinda super short."
“I’m fine” Aria lied “besides we have more important things to worry about, like getting the lost children”
"Aria, your arm is turning green! That's not 'fine'!" Kylan corrected, looking down at her with worried eyes.
Kevin gave Lilith a concerned look as her eyes changed colors. “Are you oka-?” He was cut off as they were suddenly transported away from the manticoress.
“On it,” he told Kylan, grabbing Aria’s injured hand in his. He closed his eyes as the green glow spread through his hand. He focused on her wound, first numbing the area.
But nothing happened.
He grimaced, a bead of sweat falling down the side of his face as he forced more magic into her wound. The venom kept it from healing, no matter how hard he tried. He let go, opening his eyes and wiping his forehead. “Kylan, do you have a tourniquet?” Kevin asked.
Kylan glanced at him, giving a small nod. He dropped off his backpack, digging around and presenting one. "Here's my only one." He murmured.

Lilith shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. In this situation, she was rather useless. She didn't have healing powers or a backpack full of medical supplies, just her ability to feel other's emotions.
Aria's pain was making her fidgety, even though she couldn't even feel anything on the arm that her companion would've been poisoned on. She blinked, realizing that priorly she had sensed a second creature behind them and near-- Or even with, the others, but now she didn't. They must've killed it. Or it ran off too far.
She looked back at her allies, she wanted to hurry them on due to the fact she was almost positive the manticoress was going to start tracking them, but rushing Kevin and Kylan could cause Aria to lose her life. So instead, she ended up eyeing each of them in turn. Kylan looked almost frantic by now, she wouldn't be surprised if Aria simply passed out, and Kevin seemed drained to the point of exhaustion. We're... Not doing too well, are we?

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