The Hidden Door Chat Thread

Unless she convinces any of the four she's got left to abstain, she's definitely gonna be on her own. :lol:
Then again, Maya, Charlie, and Clary would be pretty rational. Ciro, on the other hand, is probably gonna gulp it down to prove to them all that it's perfectly safe. :rolleyes:
Which I really hope is diverted somehow because! I! really! don't! think! I! want! to! play! another! reverted! child!
Charlie? Rational? I'm afraid you've missed some key components of his character. :lol:
Hopefully you get to sleep soon. There’s little more frustrating than when you’re tired but can’t sleep
I know one of the things. :3 Not being able to find the one thing you need. Like... Baking powder when you are more than halfway through the recipe.

I'm getting to the nonsensical point. I think it's about time I turn in. I'll try to make one more post before I go.
oh no he’s angy
I fully intended to sleep. But realized as soon as i shut everything down, i listed birds for sale, in groups of 3. One group for $30 one group for $50 if all were taken. Slightly more if they were buying just one from the group.

Someone asked what i'd sell them for as all 6. And i said i'd go down to 90.



50+30 does not equal 90..... 🤦‍♀️

Some one halp. I sent them a message saying i havent been sleeping much lately at 2am. Hopefully they'll laugh it off i feel stupid.

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