The History Channel Scares Me!!

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I don't have a religion as of now, I was raised catholic. I had a falling out with my catholic faith. (Nothing against catholic faith just my feelings)
I do believe that if you believe Jesus died for your sins, truly believe, try to live as God intended, you will get to go home to him. I don't believe God wants you to have a building to worship him, although that is a convenient place for when more then one gathers in his name.
I could be total wrong, but I like to believe that as long as I believe have faith, try to follow the ten commandments, pray and ask for forgiveness, and truly feel remorse when I mess up, that God will lead me home! So keep on doing what you are, teach your children/child your faith. I think your soul will be just fine.

I do worry about the way things are going with the world. All I can do is pray that things will get better.
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i like watching shows like that. the scientist think they are all knowing and sound so inteligent. i dont believe the mayans were able to tell the future. i believe bible prophesy is true and that the bible is the word of God to man. the bible says one third of the world will be burnt up. it also says that Jesus is coming back as king this time. not as a baby or to die but as king of the whole earth and he will reign from jerusalem, israel. if that happens in 2012, that would be good. i just hope the one third of the world that gets destroyed is not america.
Oh lovely... you know I never thought about the DATE, just the year... 12:28am 12-13 is my b-day... so if the world's still turning I'll be having a 32nd b-day toast about that time. Wait... is it 0:00 (midnight) 12-12-12 as in the night of the 11th... or even 12:00 noon... ohhh or 12:12 lunchtime... if so, just forget all that other guff.
Oh lovely... you know I never thought about the DATE, just the year... 12:28am 12-13 is my b-day... so if the world's still turning I'll be having a 32nd b-day toast about that time. Wait... is it 0:00 (midnight) 12-12-12 as in the night of the 11th... or even 12:00 noon... ohhh or 12:12 lunchtime... if so, just forget all that other guff.

I've always heard that it would fall on December 21, 2012.
Oh lovely... you know I never thought about the DATE, just the year... 12:28am 12-13 is my b-day... so if the world's still turning I'll be having a 32nd b-day toast about that time. Wait... is it 0:00 (midnight) 12-12-12 as in the night of the 11th... or even 12:00 noon... ohhh or 12:12 lunchtime... if so, just forget all that other guff.

I've always heard that it would fall on December 21, 2012.

Whisper: I thought the solstice too, but I'm not jumping in this mess kid.
I study history in great depth and from more than just an American-centric viewpoint, and Hitler was a dictator. Germany did not have the checks and balances that make it impossible for such a rise to power to happen in our system. Not all 'republics' are created equal. And no, the election process was not like ours, Germany is a single nation, whereas the United States gets it's name from essentially being 50 'nations' united under a form of confederacy to form one semi-cohesive entity. Simply put, if the federal government collapsed the state governments are right there, already in place, and the fallout would be on the surface similar to what happened when the USSR collapsed. Simply put, the territory would quickly revert to the smaller nations (states) and since we would start off in better shape than the folks of the USSR, societal collapse would be virtually non-existent in most areas and easily dealt with in other areas. The historical differences between Hitler's rise to power and anything that has ever happened in the US are quite clear and blatant. Specifically - for someone like Hitler to come into power, the US would first have to lose a World War and have several other countries all of which are more powerful than it be bent on punishing the US for it's actions. That isn't likely to happen, as taking us over militarily would be one of the worst financial decisions China could ever make.

In short - it's not going to happen, and there are really no signs that it would happen.

As for Biblical world ending prophecies, the first one stated the world would end within the lifetime of the original apostles, and they've been predicting it every generation sense. Hasn't happened yet.

Edited to remove flame
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Anything that has happened in other countrys can happen here. The US goverment is more stable than most but it is not above collaps. It breaks it own rules every day an the so called "checks an balances" look the other way. Goverments rise an fall just as surely as the waves in the sea. Its not a matter of if it will fall but when.

Besides it does not have to be the goverment collapsing. There are hundreds of thing that can go wrong that could set us back to the point of needing to be self sustaning. If someone blew up our two main oil pipe lines or our refinerys, trucks would be parked with in a week an the grocery stores would be empty in 2 weeks. What if truck drivers just went on strike? Our supply line that everyone has become so use to is the most unstable part of our country. At some point it will fail. Will it happen in a time or place where it affects me? I dont know. Am I worried it will? No.

I have food put away. I have guns. And I have my own livestock. Not becouse I'm parinoid but becouse thats what my grandfather did. As did his an his. For hundreds of years thats how it was done. Not all of them had to use those stores but some did. I dobt any one of them, on there death bed told there kids not to prepare for the worst becouse it probably wont happen an if it does its the goverments job to save you from your stupidity.

I wont even get in to the religion stuff.
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