The (Online Game) Thread!

Ugh! I'm stuck on one last objective, win 10 competitions with a foundie. I'm at 60% an it doesn't seem to be moving any. -_- grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaahh. Anybody know how to get past that one? Quickly?
Aging points. If you enter every competition you see, eventually you'll win one. And if you have a horse with skills worse than the horse you're using, enter it in with the other one to help keep out better horses added by other players.

Did that make sense? I can't tell. :gig
Aging points. If you enter every competition you see, eventually you'll win one. And if you have a horse with skills worse than the horse you're using, enter it in with the other one to help keep out better horses added by other players.
Did that make sense? I can't tell.
I try to do that..but I'm a bit low on aging points and that's a lot of aging to enter every competition I see. But I will try!! I am currently seething with this objective. >.<
Daww, poor zeus!
Lol, without you and the rest of the Howrsers on here I'd still be there. lol
Ah, that does indeed welcome tears! *Pats Joo* And yes, very ionic. Our postal service is always losing or damaging something.
Not our mail lady, but the somewhere along the way.
Whew! You have quite the inventory as well!
:lol: 6 clouds! I think I have 1, and I am probably never going to use it. lol
Brilliant insurance, sadly I am afraid that is what will happen to my pumpykin!
And WOO on the horse!

Oh yes, it took me a long time to figure out what the goal actually was on howrse, to breed better howrses. Don't know why it took me so many months... :lau

Broken: I will put up some clouds for trade.

Sorry I only just replied, I've been on a plane for like the past 24 hours and I feel like keeling over. But I am determined to stay awake until evening so I can be used to the new time zone. :p
Ugh! I'm stuck on one last objective, win 10 competitions with a foundie. I'm at 60% an it doesn't seem to be moving any. -_- grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaahh. Anybody know how to get past that one? Quickly?

I'm not sure what a foundie is but I'm assuming it's a 350GP one?
I always check the entrants first and enter the ones where the other competitors are weak. :lol: That's how my starter got so many cups, but nowadays I can't be bothered doing it so I gave up taking care of many of my horses, lol.
A foundie is a howrse born from ouranus and gaia.
I have an army of them, like nearly a hundred. xD

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