The (Online Game) Thread!

lol, thanks!
I am a little reserved, guess I am waiting for the non-existant world's most epic horse to come along.
I thought 1000 was mind blowing and 11 stars were fantastic. :lol:
Ah yes, I haven't forgotten your trip!
Blargh, what happened? Did they lose something? :hugs
I just sorted through my black market items, I haven't done that since the lottery!
3 Harmony packs, 4 wands, 4 stones, 3 bolts and a bucket load of other junk! WOO! I am loaded, sorta...
I am going to use a wand sometime soon, waiting on unicorns or a really good Friesian now.

Yes. Wow. I have used so many GAs and zeus's lightning bolts. :p Zeus's fingers are getting quite a workout. I am too stingy to cover my horses too often, and I need mares to continue on the line. :lau

Ah, I used to think so too. I thought I was so "in on it" when I bought a horse with 735GP. I look back and think it's quite hilarious. :p

Haven't lost anything this time, but all the stuff I ordered online to take to Germany is arriving the day after I leave. Because, you know, Adelaide is very low on their list of priority cities or whatnot. Very ionic.

I'll inventory my BM items as well then.

4 philotes strokes
2 bonus packs
3 ploutos's parchments
6 pieces of cloud (I was slightly taken aback by that. ¬¬)
3 pandora's box
1 black orchid
1 fertility wand

I will trade any of the above for other items.

And, among the few things I actually render valuable,

3 apollo's lyres (I have NO idea where they keep materialising from)
2 helios's rays
Harmony pack
Achilles' Heel
P Stone (just one. There as an insurance policy. I never plan on using it. :p)
I have gone on an ageing point-spending spree. :lau

Got some nice new horses though, first ones over 1800GP. Whooo!!!! :yesss:
Yes. Wow. I have used so many GAs and zeus's lightning bolts. :p Zeus's fingers are getting quite a workout. I am too stingy to cover my horses too often, and I need mares to continue on the line. :lau
Ah, I used to think so too. I thought I was so "in on it" when I bought a horse with 735GP. I look back and think it's quite hilarious. :p
Haven't lost anything this time, but all the stuff I ordered online to take to Germany is arriving the day after I leave. Because, you know, Adelaide is very low on their list of priority cities or whatnot. Very ionic.
I'll inventory my BM items as well then.
4 philotes strokes
2 bonus packs
3 ploutos's parchments
6 pieces of cloud (I was slightly taken aback by that. ¬¬)
3 pandora's box
1 black orchid
1 fertility wand
I will trade any of the above for other items.
And, among the few things I actually render valuable,
3 apollo's lyres (I have NO idea where they keep materialising from)
2 helios's rays
Harmony pack
Achilles' Heel
P Stone (just one. There as an insurance policy. I never plan on using it. :p)

Daww, poor zeus!

Lol, without you and the rest of the Howrsers on here I'd still be there. lol
Ah, that does indeed welcome tears! *Pats Joo* And yes, very ionic. Our postal service is always losing or damaging something.
Not our mail lady, but the somewhere along the way.

Whew! You have quite the inventory as well!
:lol: 6 clouds! I think I have 1, and I am probably never going to use it. lol

Brilliant insurance, sadly I am afraid that is what will happen to my pumpykin!

And WOO on the horse!
I think I've got like one piece of cloud, maybe two...I don't use them, don't really know what to do with them or how it will help me.

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