The Hummingbird Haven

I'm curious to see, is anyone willing to show off their feeders?! :lol: I'd love to see what types you all have and your experiences with them-how long they've lasted, how they are to clean, etc.

I'm currently using the Aspects 8 oz Highview feeder (,aps,235&sr=8-6) Really like this feeder better than the other ones I've had (I had 3 other types of feeders previously and gave all of them to my mother in law) - they're super easy to clean, the ports stay clear of sugar water so it doesn't tend to attract bees and wasps (so no need for bee/nectar guards), and ports are small enough keep rainwater out even during heavy rain.

I keep 2 feeders out and keep 2 backups on hand for winter use (when I need to swap out feeders during day to keep them liquid).

Oh I even got a photo of a hummer at the feeder!


And because this is a hummingbird thread, I got this stepping stone off Etsy for my shade garden, since I planted flowers there to attract hummers.

I kept having the nagging feeling to put the feeder out early, so I checked migration maps and saw some counties around us having sightings. I went ahead and made up a cup of nectar and filled up a feeder. Just went outside and saw something in the corner of my eye and there he was! Our first visitor- a male Ruby-throat is officially here. I'll try to snap a photo shortly

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