The Hummingbird Haven

@oregonkat - Ohh what are you harvesting and putting up in your canning? Our garden was a bust, but we traded with some friends for blueberries that I just made jam with recently!
Well, my dear, I should preface this by saying that I have a very large garden, mainly because I like to put up enough canned stuff for a year for my family and friends. So, I am currently harvesting 170 tomato plants, 50 pepper plants, masses of green beans, eggplant, onions (I finally got a decent harvest) squash, chard, potatoes and, my favorite fall raspberries!!! I am buried under veggies right now which I make into a mixed vegetable sauce for pressure canning. This is not including my orchard which is burgeoning as well! My gardening girlfriend just gave me a ton of Green Gage plums and beets, and black grapes and pears!! Guess what I am going to be doing for the next several weeks??? I love each an every moment of it and in the depths of winter, my sons will ask for warmed applesauce for breakfast and homemade bread and spaghetti for dinner and I willingly oblige.....:love:love
The light was all wrong for photos this evening but I got some kind of interesting ones. No sign of the Black Chinned male unfortunately, my hubby said that he had not seen him in a few days, so who knows, maybe he's moved on!


I like the silhouettes with the light behind the wings, so delicate!
Sometimes it's the photos we don't expect to like that end up standing out for us. I love the backlighting!

Case in point, my favorite series of hummingbird photos. This particular feeder is hanging just outside the east window of our house. My computer was on the kitchen table and the sun was glaring on the screen so I closed the blinds. And then a hummingbird, totally silhouetted against the closed blinds, came in to feed. He, of course, was outside, but inside right in front of him was the hummingbird crystal wind chime Katie got me for my birthday one year. All I had was my phone, but I snapped away anyway, hummingbird outside, hummingbirds inside. The photo is no longer on my phone, but I do have it in my computer and it may be further back in this thread. If not, I'll post it in the morning.
@Blooie - So glad you enjoyed it! I took great videos last year of stretches, preens, yawns, and even something that seemed to resemble a dominance display from a young male (he puffed his chest out, repeatedly tapping his beak down against his chest with great force while watching another male)

@Ms Clucky - Please do snap some photos and/or video! We don't get Anna's down this way. I highly suggest finding some more feeders- sometimes dollar stores have them out but make sure to clean them weekly (plastic gets gross alot faster).

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