The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Long time, no read. Whew! Missed a lot! Trying to catch up.
Hey Nellie, my name is Bryce not Richard. His username is pampered_poultry, and he lives about an hour from me. I will work on the information you requested and send it to you via PM when I have it all together. Based on my info the creator was a good friend of David Pownall. The original quote had a typo and the creator lived in Denmark at the time not Sweden as your website also indicates.

Thank you Marc and Jeremy for those very interesting facts. You guys have been in the breeding business much longer than I have, and I was simply stating the history that I have been given by my contacts in Europe. I am not disputing that you can possibly create a Crele/Legbar with a partridge base now , but stating that based on my information the original birds did not have partridge blood as partridge did not exist when the original breeding took place. You guys are some of the best in the business and anyone who reads this will see the experience and knowledge you both possess. This has been an excellent learning experience for anyone contemplating breeding Crele or Legbars in the future. I am in the process of digging around and finding some more information to pick everyone’s brains on this subject. If I find anything interesting I will be glad to share it.

Interesting subject..I'm enjoying the Info.

Bob Follows’ work always lives up to his own very high standards which are derived totally from his own pleasure. As he once said to my partner "I do it for my satisfaction". These birds are undoubtedly the best of their breed in the world. Why should we not use the utmost best, to begin our journey towards expanding this breed? Even though some weaker lines have been smuggled in, how can this help our situation, because now it has become necessary to breed back into Buffs to keep type. As Bob himself has asked us, " ‘what is the point when we just end up back at square one?’ " In the end, even if birds look to be the real deal, Cuckoo genetics is an extremely muddled affair, and even the best looking birds often simply don’t have the right genetics to carry their Cuckoo barring through into later generations. We can unequivocally state that ours do. You need not believe us, but it is impossible to doubt the abilities of someone as world-renowned, and of such skill as Mr Bob Follows!
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Interesting subject..I'm enjoying the Info.

Bob Follows’ work always lives up to his own very high standards which are derived totally from his own pleasure. As he once said to my partner "I do it for my satisfaction". These birds are undoubtedly the best of their breed in the world. Why should we not use the utmost best, to begin our journey towards expanding this breed? Even though some weaker lines have been smuggled in, how can this help our situation, because now it has become necessary to breed back into Buffs to keep type. As Bob himself has asked us, " ‘what is the point when we just end up back at square one?’ " In the end, even if birds look to be the real deal, Cuckoo genetics is an extremely muddled affair, and even the best looking birds often simply don’t have the right genetics to carry their Cuckoo barring through into later generations. We can unequivocally state that ours do. You need not believe us, but it is impossible to doubt the abilities of someone as world-renowned, and of such skill as Mr Bob Follows!
Mr. Follows has been there, done that. He has set the standard very high for many years in colored Orps. All of his Orps had TYPE first. Type makes the breed. Color makes the variety. Without type , you have mongrel chickens. ALL Orps should have the same SHAPE, whether bred to the British Standard or the SOP.
Hey Nellie, my name is Bryce not Richard. His username is pampered_poultry, and he lives about an hour from me. I will work on the information you requested and send it to you via PM when I have it all together. Based on my info the creator was a good friend of David Pownall. The original quote had a typo and the creator lived in Denmark at the time not Sweden as your website also indicates.

Thank you Marc and Jeremy for those very interesting facts. You guys have been in the breeding business much longer than I have, and I was simply stating the history that I have been given by my contacts in Europe. I am not disputing that you can possibly create a Crele/Legbar with a partridge base now , but stating that based on my information the original birds did not have partridge blood as partridge did not exist when the original breeding took place. You guys are some of the best in the business and anyone who reads this will see the experience and knowledge you both possess. This has been an excellent learning experience for anyone contemplating breeding Crele or Legbars in the future. I am in the process of digging around and finding some more information to pick everyone’s brains on this subject. If I find anything interesting I will be glad to share it.


Oh, yes of course, sorry about the mistake.

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