The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Beautiful day for gardening before the cold front moved in.
We love to use our Orps to prepare our organic raised beds for planting. Their scratching makes a finer seed bed than any hoe.
I like to think of it as making them work for us for a change....but watching them scratch, cluck, and eat the abundance of earthworms, we're not fooling anyone. This is just another treat for them!

The great thing about using these gentle giants is that after an hour or two of scratching, we simply reach in and pick them up to take them back to the coop.
wow...what beautiful hens!!

You just gave me a great idea Matt!! Ive used those fence panels for hoop coops but never for greenhouses!!   DUHH!!!

Thanks for the head slap!! LOL 

X2! Sorry to get off topic....Matt what size are your raised beds? I have long rows like that with 2' paths between them but I don't have them boxed in yet. Just mounded up .....a real pain when the chickens get in and throw straw and dirt on my neat and tidy paths. I really need to box them in this spring:)
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I think you'll like them Mike! Lots heavier, but that's why they work so well.
Elliemae, I'm going to PM you. I'm afraid I'll get arrested soon for hijacking the best thread on BYC
Ur welcome Sis, no worries. You know what you are doing. Just hold your head high and dust off the tag a-longs SIS. I was gonna call you, but I was afraid Brad was asleep.
This is my first time ever showing my Gold Laced Orps on BYC from Fancychick. I love them. The Gold Laced Orps are so slow to show their beauty and mature. But, when they do.................WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are the odds of receiving One rooster out of a quad? I was so lucky. Thank you, Nellie.

What were they thinking?

Thelma: Hey Bertha, What do you suppose it is?
Bertha: I don't know. You try it.
Thelma: I'm not going to try it. Hey, let's get Missy to try it, she'll try anything.
Missy: Hey, it's pretty good!!! But, I don't know what it is. Ya'll dig in.

I wish someone would have told me I would be taking pictures today. I would have put on some makeup.

Hey Bud, watch your own. She's mine.

These are both mine. Back off!!!

Yep, I'm the master of this flock. Don't even try to mess with me.

I can't believe the transformation over the past several months. These really blossomed. It was quite remarkable.....Phantom_Rooster
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Well folks, just returned late last night from the Panhandle Poultry Club Show in Pensacola, FL. Only 4 EO's showed out of 18 total English birds. Here are a few pics:

Can you spot the Orpington? The New Hampshire rooster took Champion Large Fowl, the EO took Reserve Large Fowl.
This is my first time ever showing my Gold Laced Orps on BYC from Fancychick. I love them. The Gold Laced Orps are so slow to show their beauty and mature. But, when they do.................WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are the odds of receiving One rooster out of a quad? I was so lucky. Thank you, Nellie.

What were they thinking?

Thelma: Hey Bertha, What do you suppose it is?
Bertha: I don't know. You try it.
Thelma: I'm not going to try it. Hey, let's get Missy to try it, she'll try anything.
Missy: Hey, it's pretty good!!! But, I don't know what it is. Ya'll dig in.

I wish someone would have told me I would be taking pictures today. I would have put on some makeup.

Hey Bud, watch your own. She's mine.

These are both mine. Back off!!!

Yep, I'm the master of this flock. Don't even try to mess with me.

I can't believe the transformation over the past several months. These really blossomed. It was quite remarkable.....Phantom_Rooster

They sure did...

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