The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Beautiful birds everyone. I love all the different colors. The jubilee and mottleds are so eye catching.

Everything about breeding, buying, caring for and improving these birds is a learning process. I learn everyday. Sometimes I learn by reading or talking to veteran breeders and sometimes I learn the hard way. I tried to buy the best stock I could afford and find when I started. I think most people do. But now it's up to me to continue with them and continue improving what I have. I do give out names to where my stock came from because most people want to know where my birds came from. I also sell eggs, chicks and birds to help offset my cost. But I try to be honest and upfront with my birds. Your name and reputation is all you have.

I do have a vision of what I'm breeding for and what I want my birds to look like. Goals are important. You have to know where your going. Otherwise how will you get there. But when it all boils down I just want to be able to enjoy the birds I have. I think it's true to say that we all enjoy big, fluffy birds of all different colors. That's what drew us to the English Orps to begin with. I don't post a lot on here. I am a busy stay at home mom that manages our cow herd and horses. As well as take care of my flock of Orps and Cochins. I also do not like drama, which I feel like surfaces a lot on here. But I do stalk this thread to see everyone's beautiful birds and learn from others posts. So thank you to everyone that posts such great info about genetics and breeding. I do appreciate it even if I don't post it.
well said!
Well said TKay!

LCOs....I asked this question a while back, but either it got lost in all the beautiful pics, or maybe it was just not a good question...
I know there is a lot of name dropping going on and I think it has its place for example people like me that want to start out with 2 unrelated lines.
I have some beautiful LCO chicks from Richard at Jordan farms. I would like to add a second line right away, but the ELCO gene pool seems to be very limited. So I was wondering if it would be a good idea to add some English Buffs so I don't loose the fluffiness.
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This is one of the nicest Lavenders as of today. He is also carrying one blue gene besides the two lavender genes.

Harry no one here in the USA knows the Lav genetics like you. I remember when some here feared using Blues to make Lavs. And you took the fear outta that mix. Nice bird!
Thank you girls..I cant really take any credit other than just loving them..Those mottled are gorgeous arnt they? an absoute holiday of color..we certianly have a colorful group in here..little bit of everything represented..its a real treat to see..nice to see so many people so passionate about orps

I usually bath as needed I cant do it in winter..but as soon as we get some nice warm weather , once in a while one of the birds will get a little dirty..Boo is a ground sleeper and sometimes he positions himself under mrs softie roost who poops upon his back end..he has the whole other side of the pen floor covered in sawdust and hay, but he trys to squeeze under her for some reason then he dust baths and turns it into bluk..buts not really that bad, just a spot .. there are a few that will get bathed and broken feathers removed for a new year.
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Elite- are those mottled? They're so cute.

Ok, can someone tell me what a quad it 3 hens and one roo or 2 roos and 2 hens? I want to take your advice and only keep a trio or a quad of really nice birds....but I've also been told to keep a backup roo in case something happens to my main roo. I love so many colors of the orps,but I have limited space and I want my birds to be comfortable and happy, I don't want the problems that come with overcrowding. So, I'm going to pick the best of each color with this years hatch and then go from there.
I promise one day I won't ask you fine folks to hold my hand anymore, but for now I have questions Thank-you for being patient with me.
So, let's say I start a pen from 2 different lines and then breed the daughters back to the fathers...what do I do when the original pair get old? Breed brother to sister? Add a new line?

There are a lot of nice people in here that can help..dont be afraid to ask questions, sometimes they get lost in the blizzard of beautiful pics..but they are sometimes responding to a post several pages back it goes by fast..trio is usually a rooster and 2 hens, quad is 3 hens and a rooster
How do you give a chicken a bath, what kind of soap do you use? Do you use a hair dryer to get them dry?

For the big orpingtons I have to use one of those big plastic tubs from TSC..bantams can be washed in a basin..I use a cloth to wash face and comb wattles try hard to not get soap in eyes .. a mild shampoo most times, lot of people use johnson and johnson shampoo...when you get into showing, there are tricks for that and special shampoos to enhance whites ect..wrap a towel around to soak up as much as possible and cage..if its going to be cool, try to blow dry as much as possible..the birds actually get to like that..I use 2 tubs, one wash, one rinse..water level about back height... luke warm
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Harry no one here in the USA knows the Lav genetics like you. I remember when some here feared using Blues to make Lavs. And you took the fear outta that mix. Nice bird!
There are many people that know the lavender genetics, but there are three people that stand out like the fellow/lady in Australia, Henk69 that made the chicken calculator, and the Lady from out in the Mid-West that has her own Orp site. Just go to the Australian site and you will see Lavenders in so many breeds and color varieties.
Thank-you aveca, that's good to know about the baths. My daughter has a white Silkie and she likes to sleep under everybody too so she gets poo on her from the other birds. I have plans to bathe her in the spring, but I didn't know if shampoo would be to harsh on her skin.
There are many people that know the lavender genetics, but there are three people that stand out like the fellow/lady in Australia, Henk69 that made the chicken calculator, and the Lady from out in the Mid-West that has her own Orp site. Just go to the Australian site and you will see Lavenders in so many breeds and color varieties.

To bad here in the states it just took a couple of lousy breeders to give them a bad rep.

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