The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Yes he will get a tail. I gotta say I immediately thought mottled. How old is this guy? I had a blue roo last year that never grew a tail til he was 7 months old and it ended up being a perfectly round tail like a cochin.

He is six months old, and I thought mottled because he has next to no red. A little bit on his rump, I don't know if you can see it in the pic. His hackles are very black, no red there. Is he worth keeping around?
He is six months old, and I thought mottled because he has next to no red. A little bit on his rump, I don't know if you can see it in the pic. His hackles are very black, no red there. Is he worth keeping around?
Im willing to bet he will get more red as he ages. Personally I love the look of the dark deep red jubilees versus the blinding orange ones. I would def keep him and see how he turns out. I love his short legs and he skirt is starting to come in. I don't think he is fugly at all and love a round tail on an Orp roo. The only thing is that is he seems a bit small for a 6 month old roo and that just may be the angles of the pictures and birds r so hard to judge by pics or he could just be a slow grower and end up being your biggest roo.

Just for size comparison tho here is a couple pics I just took tonight of one of my Jubilee roos that is 14 weeks old. I really like this one and he may end up replacing my adult roo. Btw ignore the hen she just wanted to b in the pic too I guess. Im crossing my fingers she gets some more white and not real sure what I think of her just yet. Also I am a horrible pic taker but I just took these for u to compare size.


I just texted a bud of mine and he gave me permission to share his photos and just texted these to me. This is his 100% imported LF Lavender roo. Everyone meet Big Boy. I gotta say I think this guy is awesome and one of the best imported lav roos I have seen in the states for his age. Just to be clear he is not mine and belongs to a friend of mine. I have eggs in my bator now sired by him. We r teaming up in an effort to improve each others lavs by making splits with my imported orps.
I would say by far the best Lav orp I have seen
Im willing to bet he will get more red as he ages. Personally I love the look of the dark deep red jubilees versus the blinding orange ones. I would def keep him and see how he turns out. I love his short legs and he skirt is starting to come in. I don't think he is fugly at all and love a round tail on an Orp roo. The only thing is that is he seems a bit small for a 6 month old roo and that just may be the angles of the pictures and birds r so hard to judge by pics or he could just be a slow grower and end up being your biggest roo. Just for size comparison tho here is a couple pics I just took tonight of one of my Jubilee roos that is 14 weeks old. I really like this one and he may end up replacing my adult roo. Btw ignore the hen she just wanted to b in the pic too I guess. Im crossing my fingers she gets some more white and not real sure what I think of her just yet. Also I am a horrible pic taker but I just took these for u to compare size.
Oh, yours are nice! I will hold on to him, just to see. Thanks for your comments! I think all of my jubilees need to be bigger. One of my hens was very lightly speckled like yours, but she molted out to be my most beautiful (in my non expert opinion) hen . I would love it if I could get my jubilees looking like some of these BBS beauties
I would say by far the best Lav orp I have seen
Thanks Julie and thank U Rennie'sPeeps but I can in no way take credit for this bird as it is owned by a friend of mine. I just thought I would share him with everyone. I can honestly say I have not been impressed in the least by the imported lavs until I seen Big Boy. On the bright side lavs still need some work but he is proof they r finally coming along. I think my friend will b very happy to hear about all the positive feedback about his bird as he is not a member on here. I think with this bird crossed over the right black females we will def b able to make leaps and bounds in the breeding project. Finally soon we have have lav orps that r just as nice as many of the other color varieties. I may have to send Mrs. Buttersworth over and split the chicks. She is def an asset in my breeding program with may BBS but may just have to bite the bullet for the good of the lavs but its so hard to get people to give up eggs or chicks of good blacks to replace her if I fall behind but they are def much easier to aquire then good lavs. If the blacks I already hatched don't turn out as well as their mother then that puts me behind. This will take some serious thought as she is my fav and best hen and def has the ground dragging poofy skirt thing going on and is a very large hen.
Interesting rooster...
I am unsure of his jubilee status. He is mostly black with only vague hints if red, he also has no tail to speak of (rump less orpington... Don't think it will catch on) He is just getting his dark red combs, and is not crowing yet... Do you think he will get a tail? He almost looks more mottled to me than Millie fleur.

I call him Fugly.

Yes he will get a tail
. I've seen it many times. The picture below is the same roo several months apart.
Beautiful bird by the way (referring to your bird

In the first picture he was about 6-7 months old. He did not lose his tail feathers he just never had them.
Then several months later there they were.
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Im willing to bet he will get more red as he ages. Personally I love the look of the dark deep red jubilees versus the blinding orange ones. I would def keep him and see how he turns out. I love his short legs and he skirt is starting to come in. I don't think he is fugly at all and love a round tail on an Orp roo. The only thing is that is he seems a bit small for a 6 month old roo and that just may be the angles of the pictures and birds r so hard to judge by pics or he could just be a slow grower and end up being your biggest roo.

Just for size comparison tho here is a couple pics I just took tonight of one of my Jubilee roos that is 14 weeks old. I really like this one and he may end up replacing my adult roo. Btw ignore the hen she just wanted to b in the pic too I guess. Im crossing my fingers she gets some more white and not real sure what I think of her just yet. Also I am a horrible pic taker but I just took these for u to compare size.

They do get more mottling after they molt, I bet she will be lovely.
Wanted to share my newest members to the Elite Poultry Club. Lol

Louise took the picture for me at her place, and even watermarked it for me!!!

Thank you Louise if you see this!!!!!!
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