The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Ok today I let them down on the ground, and they were so happy.
Here's them on the first day on dirt
Shots with my phone sorry for the quality







How long do English orpingtons lay eggs for generally?
Do you mean in Yrs or for a yr.
Mine lay eggs till they are about six yrs old. They are like most chickens though, their first year is always their most productive. Allmost as good the next year. By the third year you can still be hatching off a good hen. They just don't lay as many the older they get. I have one hen going on 8 yrs. I haven't seen her on the nest except for being broody in the last two yrs. The Cock bird still breeds her though.
Do you mean in Yrs or for a yr.
Mine lay eggs till they are about six yrs old. They are like most chickens though, their first year is always their most productive. Allmost as good the next year. By the third year you can still be hatching off a good hen. They just don't lay as many the older they get. I have one hen going on 8 yrs. I haven't seen her on the nest except for being broody in the last two yrs. The Cock bird still breeds her though.
Ok thank you :)
I wanted to see what you guys are doing for automatic feeders/waterers or at least a feeder that does not waste much. My birds are wasting alot with the feeders I have and it is attracting alot of wild birds including tons of doves. I am feeding so many doves I am thinking about starting a hunting lease in my backyard.

I saw this think called a dine-a-chook some folks from Australia made from PVC that doesn't look too difficult to make since I don't want to pay $50 shipping.

These big Orps eat enough as is..without feeding all the birds in the neighborhood. What have you guys had luck with?
Dee I will let you know if anything transpires there. BTW thanks for the offer of the Cocoa butter. I have never used any in soap yet but thought I would try some next week . I did make the lotion bars. If you look in HObbies section I recently posted some pics of some of my latest. Take a look.
I wanted to see what you guys are doing for automatic feeders/waterers or at least a feeder that does not waste much. My birds are wasting alot with the feeders I have and it is attracting alot of wild birds including tons of doves. I am feeding so many doves I am thinking about starting a hunting lease in my backyard. I saw this think called a dine-a-chook some folks from Australia made from PVC that doesn't look too difficult to make since I don't want to pay $50 shipping. These big Orps eat enough as is..without feeding all the birds in the neighborhood. What have you guys had luck with?
If you are using the metal hanging feeders from TSC , there is a way to reduce waste. Simply remove those small pans that hold the feed at the bottom, and pop rivet on the larger, deeper Hog Pan that TSC also sells. Makes a real difference. Those small, shallow bottom pans let the Orps just shovel out feed.
I wanted to see what you guys are doing for automatic feeders/waterers or at least a feeder that does not waste much. My birds are wasting alot with the feeders I have and it is attracting alot of wild birds including tons of doves. I am feeding so many doves I am thinking about starting a hunting lease in my backyard. I saw this think called a dine-a-chook some folks from Australia made from PVC that doesn't look too difficult to make since I don't want to pay $50 shipping. These big Orps eat enough as is..without feeding all the birds in the neighborhood. What have you guys had luck with?
I have not come up yet with an auto water I like yet, so I am still using big plastic 'oil' pans that I rinse & refill daily. They seem to like them because they can stand in them to cool off. As for feeding, I feed mine fermented feed & there is no waste.

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