The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Some of that purse fabric would look great!
When you send me the purse for my turn to use it, I may cut it up and make a sweater.

Is dipping easier than dusting?

It is for as many birds as I have!

Please don't tell me my pullet crowed? lol I'll send ya a yard of material instead of the purse to cover that sweet boy with!

No, no crow............ I just want the purse, so I would stoop to lying about it.
You know how you look at something or someone and a name pops into your head.... when I saw that little guy... I swear... I heard just plain as day.... the name.. DeVito.... He reminds me of Danny DeVito!
LOL if by chance (
not) that SHE crows I'll buy ya once of those purses!!!!!! I still say a pullet I was fooled once thinking an Orp roo and got a big combed wattled hen and then once by one of the english blacks thinking pullet and she Crowed!!!!
But that is all after all these years so not bad predictions.
Renie'sPeeps :

You know how you look at something or someone and a name pops into your head.... when I saw that little guy... I swear... I heard just plain as day.... the name.. DeVito.... He reminds me of Danny DeVito!

I see that! I see that! Now that you mention, I DO see that!

I do prefer her to be a female! I need more girls! I really really hope you are right!​
Kathy, I have one of those black hens too, They look like roos for sure. One crowed weeks ago but the other has not even tried and the comb is lighter as well. Still big though. I am almost sure it is a roo. It is 20 weeks old.


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