The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

i have one feedstore orp, originally two, but sugar i found dead in the nestbox the first year i got into chickens- she was the friendliest hen - her sister spice isn't particularly friendly- someday i'll get some of these beauties!!

hi everyone, i am really enjoying reading about these beautiful orps- they look so different that the orp i have, she is a feedstore orp, so i know there isn't much comparision....

Oh, but they're catching, aren't they? My first orps, which I still have, were feed store buff orps. They aren't the beauties these are but I love them all the same.

I still have 3 of my original 4 feed store orps. One is THE BOSS. Then there's "the Sargent" and lastly the broody. Broody used to be number 2 but she spent so long with her last hatch that she lost her status. She's even below some of the "young ones" now lol. I just love those three. Heck I love them all right now.
This is one of my original hens.  Is her color/lacing an example of good color and lacing?  Do they all have to have the deep blue and lacing or is the light blue without a heavy lacing considered desirable also?  I have several hens who are a much lighter blue.



Here's one of her sons - he's several months old and recently added to the breeder pen but I can never get a good picture of him.  He runs as if I have a clever in my hand.

The color should be even, every body feather being the same color. The lighter color is usually what they want at shows. The SOP specifies "slate" with distinct lacing. On the hens, the neck feathers naturally are darker and on the cockerels, the hackles and saddles are dark. Your boy looks pretty good and I like the hen. Her color is a bit uneven but the lacing looks pretty good. I'm by no means an expert but you deserved an answer :)
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One great thing about living in the woods- free bedding! I don't think we'll even run out of leaves to dig in.

This isn't my best type-wise roo, but he is the biggest, and gentle as can be.
at looks just like my pasture, full of good diggin spots hee orchard loves the chickens, they help keep the pests way down , and ferelize, and in return they get winfall peaches and apples, thou they dont like husbands old sharp english hard cider apples, they are sour.. lots of land for a few chickens. loved your tour.

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