The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I need some help from my chicken friends. I have been absent from the boards as I have been dealing with some human/chicken issues.
I have neighbors that don't want me to have roosters, although I am zoned for it. One of my neighbors has taken it upon themselves to downsize my chickens. I haven't figured out which one, but I am getting some game cams today. Unfortunately they are only seen as "just chickens" by the local authorities. My most recent loss yesterday was a blue isbar cockeral. I found him near the pen door with his legs straight out as if someone had just grabbed him by the legs and smacked him off the ground. No rips or tears in the netting above and the pen door was shut. He has no injuries at all.

The first "loss" was my jubilee orpington pair
. Their coop was 4x4 so someone had opened the 2 different latches and reached in and grabbed them and killed them the same way as my isbar cockeral. I was thinking it may have been a raccoon at first but all the other chickens in the coop were fine and the critter could have easily climbed in and wiped the whole bunch out by climbing the wire inside. My husband set these latches up so a raccoon wouldn't be able to do both. They are different, require a different skill to open each and we never even have one opened(evidence of a raccoon even trying).

I have lost many other birds over the past few months and realize now that the animals I "thought" were responsible for the killing were just scavenging on what a human has done.

I would LOVE to set a few traps/snares but dh is afraid it may catch a child by accident. I get it but it doesn't take the anger away. The sad thing is that I know when we catch this person nothing will be done because "they are just chickens".

any suggestions?

dh thinks someone may have started out using a bb gun because the first losses were unexplained but I was losing hens as well, which wouldn't make sense.

a partial list of losses
cream legbar hen, english black orp pullet, american bantam black orp pullet, cream legbar juvenile trio, gorgeous crested swedish flower hen (pullet, but would look like a roo due to the size of her comb). I also have a chocolate bantam orp in my basement that seems to have sustained an injury to her leg? These were all big, fat, healthy birds. What I find interesting is that most of the losses are where my swedish flower hen cockeral is(the only rooster I have that crows just to hear himself). I only have 5 roosters here and it really is not loud at all. We did have a LOT of roosters before we downsized.

I don't think we are bad neighbors, really. We don't let them out till 8:30 and they are away by 5. They only crow a few times a day but apparently that is too much for them
Definitely use a game cam that is attached to your computer. Then sue them in court. You should be able to easily prove via Greenfire, Marc Sayer etc the value of your imported birds. Contact the breeders you acquired your stock from and get a statement of their value.

We had a similar incident happen recently and the sheriff said it could be an "unknown third party" that failed to feed and water my flock. Long story short, I lost my only transportation for a week. Could not get to the farm. Does not take a brain surgeon to figure out who did it. PM for details. In any case, your pets have rights, as do you. Check your animal rights laws. There may be stiff penalties for animal cruelty. Good luck with the game cameras!
Cant relay say what I would do when I got my hands on the one doing it, on here, but it would be the worst day they have ever seen !!!!!! & then I would have to get someone to bale me out, come on my place & hurt my birds ? They done had a bad bad day, I guarantee it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roger that is great. I bet you will look like the Beverly Hillbillies coming back with all those chickens tied on top of the truck to get them to Alabama.
Looking forward to meeting in person.
BTW I have had six chicks hatch from the Choc male Don sent me over my Choc girls. The little silly hens think it is time to be broody in Dec. I laugh thinking how careful we are to keep them the right temp when they hatch and these seem to be doing fine when it is cool in the morning and they are not under the hen.

Roger, theres no place like home..Im really glad for you..those chickens will ride in style Im sure..
dh thinks someone may have started out using a bb gun because the first losses were unexplained but I was losing hens as well, which wouldn't make sense.

a partial list of losses
cream legbar hen, english black orp pullet, american bantam black orp pullet, cream legbar juvenile trio, gorgeous crested swedish flower hen (pullet, but would look like a roo due to the size of her comb). I also have a chocolate bantam orp in my basement that seems to have sustained an injury to her leg? These were all big, fat, healthy birds. What I find interesting is that most of the losses are where my swedish flower hen cockeral is(the only rooster I have that crows just to hear himself). I only have 5 roosters here and it really is not loud at all. We did have a LOT of roosters before we downsized.

I don't think we are bad neighbors, really. We don't let them out till 8:30 and they are away by 5. They only crow a few times a day but apparently that is too much for them
Thats really rotten..a HIGH DEF camera will tell you a tale for sure..One day while I was at work..came home reviewed the tapes, a car pulled up the driveway, you can read licence plates on these cameras..2 women got out of the one here,they went to the door , no one home , then they went in the chicken you could see them picking up the chickens looking them over..they didnt take anything..but Its not good to have anyone just help themselves like that especially when you are NPIP..they can carry in any sort of disease from thier farm..luckily nothing came of it..our cameras need a ladder to get to they are stationed up in trees, way up on house..these ladies were no one that we recognised..Husband put a sign at bottom of driveway...high def cameras in all areas at all one did that again..that was several years ago..When I saw them pick up big mr softie, I felt my heart sink straight to my toes..that chicken was so wonderful he loves people, loved to be picked up and let you turn him upside down, he was like a cat that little girls dress up and push around in a baby carriage..If people call..Im more than happy to talk or meet them under right curcumstance..
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You bet they will have a good ride on there way to sweet home ALA. cant wait to get there, had enough of this fast pace of living up here 12 hours away from home, spent 10 years here & that's enough for me, ready to get back to the deep south,
Hope you catch the .......... that is doing this to your birds, my Maggie would put a stop to it quick !!!!!!! she already has about 3 years ago when a stupid one jumped my fence, He never hit the ground before she nailed him good, get this the stupid one went to the police & turned me in for getting dog bit & got his self arrested for trespassing, now don't that take the cake ? or should I say the leg ?
As we said before German security is the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck gal.
sweet home alabama..someday we will get down and see the gulf coast..been all the way around Fla., skipped over to texas san antone and all over ..but never went around the horse shoe..but its on the bucket list...someday you and the wife have to come up and see finger lakes wine country..nice people, pretty country..the grapes are extrodinary..they make grape juice out of pinot, and other swear thats what will be served in heavan.. watkins glen race track in the middle of it all..the chicken shows are a riot..some of the dingeys people make to haul chickens are out of this world..I have as much fun looking at the chicken haulers as the chickens..last year we parked right next to famous childrens author jan brett..she was hauling her polish in a mercedes SUV..didnt even know they made an SUV..she and I were in the car and on the computer as much as we were inside..she is super nice person..I had no idea she was childrens author..Bob Blosie filled me in on that..I took the pic from the car..I just dont have a fancy set up like that..just a nissan extrerra and giant toilet paper boxes LOL! Husband so embarassed about thsoe toilet paper boxes..quick get them back out in the car!!hee hee..people had these really fancy shiney carriers for thier birds..At the end of the day..I slapped my champion ribbon on top of my toilet paper box and sashayed out to the car..

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sweet home alabama..someday we will get down and see the gulf coast..been all the way around Fla., skipped over to texas san antone and all over ..but never went around the horse shoe..but its on the bucket list...someday you and the wife have to come up and see finger lakes wine country..nice people, pretty country..the grapes are extrodinary..they make grape juice out of pinot, and other swear thats what will be served in heavan.. watkins glen race track in the middle of it all..the chicken shows are a riot..some of the dingeys people make to haul chickens are out of this world..I have as much fun looking at the chicken haulers as the chickens..last year we parked right next to famous childrens author jan brett..she was hauling her polish in a mercedes SUV..didnt even know they made an SUV..she and I were in the car and on the computer as much as we were inside..she is super nice person..I had no idea she was childrens author..Bob Blosie filled me in on that..I took the pic from the car..I just dont have a fancy set up like that..just a nissan extrerra and giant toilet paper boxes LOL! Husband so embarassed about thsoe toilet paper boxes..quick get them back out in the car!!hee hee..people had these really fancy shiney carriers for thier birds..At the end of the day..I slapped my champion ribbon on top of my toilet paper box and sashayed out to the car..

hahaha...... Roll on one....... take two... lol

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