The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I found a old video clip of my "clicker training" sessions when my chickens when they were chicks. Thought I would share it. They were taught to touch a target for food. I transfer the behavior to a bell on my back door. Kind of like when a dog rings a bell to go outside. Actually it was the bell my dogs ring when they want to come inside. However, it was a BAD idea because unlike my dogs, those evil chicks rang the bell every 5 minutes to the point I finally removed the bell from my door.
I found a old video clip of my "clicker training" sessions when my chickens when they were chicks. Thought I would share it. They were taught to touch a target for food. I transfer the behavior to a bell on my back door. Kind of like when a dog rings a bell to go outside. Actually it was the bell my dogs ring when they want to come inside. However, it was a BAD idea because unlike my dogs, those evil chicks rang the bell every 5 minutes to the point I finally removed the bell from my door.

Awwww to cute!
Seems to be a prerequisite to owning EOs. There is a lot of silly on this thread.

Yes, if I need a chuckle in the mornings I hop on here for a little while
Lynne your too funny..
Thanks for all the compliments on the Boys.   And yes I am very excited about the FLUFFS , oh I mean Buffs.    Hope mine gets to 30 inches chest Lynne.:lau ..  Sorry I couildnt resist

come to obriens carnival and see the giant 6 foot chicken.50 cents per humiliating :oops:

you are really going to love those buffs..i have a pullet from roger that is pretty nice so far..really like her..long ways to go but it will be fun to watch..i will post pics of her next week..
I found a old video clip of my "clicker training" sessions when my chickens when they were chicks. Thought I would share it. They were taught to touch a target for food. I transfer the behavior to a bell on my back door. Kind of like when a dog rings a bell to go outside. Actually it was the bell my dogs ring when they want to come inside. However, it was a BAD idea because unlike my dogs, those evil chicks rang the bell every 5 minutes to the point I finally removed the bell from my door.
Nellie you get the prize ! The next Sun Conure baby that my crew hatches . You must promise to teach it to ask, "What time is it ?" After that I'll send the men in the white coats to collect you !
You know I am not into blues because it would mean more cages. I had a trio I sold about 2 years at an auction where Rev Romig was the auctioneer. The fellow bought them after a lot of competition and this past Jan he won Best English at the Pa farm show with the male. This was a bird from your line and Joy's line. Both of your lines seem to be impressive at the shows.
Julie, you are going to love those big buffs..they are real sweet peas..and the rooster I have here has a chest that is about 2 and 1/2 ft wide..just as nice as he is big..and the color is so wonderful..I put a yardstick on the gate to take a pic of the front end of him , but it has been pouring down rain..

That blue rooster just glows with health

Ok last chicken joke......................... I promise

He really is a beautiful boy!!
Ok last chicken joke......................... I promise :oops: He really is a beautiful boy!! :love
:lau that is priceless..oh it has been pick on lynne all afternoon by construction workers..they have been calling that poor rooster paul bunyon..and saying to many fingers am i holding up...jees

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