The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Well a white bird with dark legs is not a SPORT it is a defect just check both the APA and the British Poultry Standards. White birds are suppose to have white legs not the sexlink ID+ gene.
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Hi. I purchased eggs from you earlier this year. They are 20 weeks now.
Had four hatch ......... all pullets...1 blue, three blacks.
I lost 1 to a coyote.
I will get pic this weekend and post. The Blue is knock out gorgeous........
The blacks are filling out slower.. I am very pleased. They are everything Orp.,follow me around, talk to me when I am sitting outside.
We have a mutual admiration going, I adore them, they adore the grapes I give them
i'm glad to hear that they are doing well
sounds like you need a big rooster to watch over them :)
i'm looking to split my blacks (atleast most of them) & put them in with my new chocolate bantam roo
i'll breed any chocolate pullets i hatch out back to their daddy

my blues will says with my splash boy
i am working on getting their lacing to stand out more

i'll wait for the pics
I'm right there with you Roger! Just moved about 175 miles north of Houston onto 5 acres with no real fencing, only a very old 20x20 outbuilding for a "barn" and in need of clearing. We're both going to be struggling for a while but it'll be worth it.
you can do a lot with 5 acres if you plan it out well
sounds like you need a few chicken tractors to put your birds in for a while
Well a white bird with dark legs is not a SPORT it is a defect just check both the APA and the British Poultry Standards. White birds are suppose to have white legs not the sexlink ID+ gene.
Harry..its pretty clear the birds legs are correct color.blow the pics up and fact i took some nice close up leg pics for you..when i get a minute i will load them in pc...personally i would prefer the grey legs that came through breeding to big blk orps over yellow wyandotte can think what you want but they occasionnaly cross into black to strengthen the them its the safest thing to do it shows things that are hiding..the birds like all birds are a work in progress..everyone can see the color is do what you want..i will do what i want which is follow their advise..not like youve ever said given me any..only scorn..and insulting me advise is welcome or talking to me about this is fine...but im quite well aware of how you feel..they arnt good birds..they are great birds and you know of them won in australia too..judges note: best white orp he had ever a lot of things..but im not stupid..
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You are right, we hardly ever feed hens corn (or maize as it is known here) we feed hens oats, barley and wheat if we have to feed them grains. I never feed my orps maize because it would ruin their leg colour, but I do however feed my brahmas and RIR small amounts of maize to keep their leg colour. Maize is also very fattening. Wheat is best I think, they eat far to much barley and I have heard that chickens cannot digest it properly and oats makes them over energetic and that isn't good for show birds.
thats nephew over your way told me same thing..he didnt like the idea of soy at all and didnt feed much if any corn..prefered wheat..
When was your particular birds mentioned? I made no comment about your birds or their picture. You stated a white bird with black legs is a SPORT which it is not. I don't want new people to think using them without any restriction is acceptable. I have one bird from an import that has dark legs plus both the males I had possibly were carriers. It took me three years to clean my birds free of this defect when I first got only a white male to use. Now, after adding this import I had to cull 75% of the offsprings because someone did not ethnically clean them up first. These were not from the strain you have if I am correct. No bird is perfect but some things can be elimated with a little of effort. I test breed several of my males of different breeds and this is time consuming and using needed space to clean up defects that should have easily been eliminated.

I know my comments blunt and to the point.
you can do a lot with 5 acres if you plan it out well
sounds like you need a few chicken tractors to put your birds in for a while
I don't think Galanie's birds would be happy in a "chicken tractor", and she certainly would NOT be happy keeping birds this way. Good birds deserve a proper spacious coop, not a "chicken tractor" to roast in. She would not own my birds if I thought she might entertain this idea.

There is a vast difference in those breeding for the betterment of the breed, and those trying to merely propagate it for profit.
I have 4 acres and my birds are all over the place. A few have a fascination with being by the road. They must find some really good bugs over there. Luckily I live on a dirt road. I had one recently venture out and went missing for 24 hrs. I think he may have fallen in the creek at the back edge of the property. He was so dirty and wet when he came back home. I do have a fenced in run for them attached to each coop. When I'm on vacation and at night that's where they go. My white orps are so dirty right now that I might have to come up with a designer name for them! Cafe Ole Orpingtons.
I have 4 acres and my birds are all over the place. A few have a fascination with being by the road. They must find some really good bugs over there. Luckily I live on a dirt road. I had one recently venture out and went missing for 24 hrs. I think he may have fallen in the creek at the back edge of the property. He was so dirty and wet when he came back home. I do have a fenced in run for them attached to each coop. When I'm on vacation and at night that's where they go. My white orps are so dirty right now that I might have to come up with a designer name for them! Cafe Ole Orpingtons.

I am new to chickens and the Orpington breed. Right now I have buffs and whites that came from hatcheries. I believe I have the American versions if they came from the hatcheries, not sure?? Would like to start hatching eggs over the winter. I love all the colors of the breed and it will give me a variety to enjoy. I am not looking to show any birds but would like to start breeding the correct way, with the correct standards for this breed. I would really appreciate any advice on how I can go about doing this. Would like to get a hold of more white orpingtons, but I want them from reputable breeders, not a hatchery. If anyone can help me, please get back to me. I live in PA for shipping. I just purchased a LG incubator to hatch eggs. Don't trust Ebay, and especially now after reading all your postings. Thanks!


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