The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I agree....just call them hybrids or any other name, but don't call them Orps as it is misleading. If folks have an organized breeding program with a goal that is one thing, but naming colors that pop out of random breeding's is another is usually used to sell whatever pops out at their farm. I would love to sell the culls I produce, but I care about the breeds I raise and know that culls end up back in the breed. I have seen it bring down other breeds.

If a person is calling themselves a "breeder" they have some responsibilities to their customers......or at least that is how I think. 99% of the "breeders" here online are really not breeders, but are propagators and it is real easy to make chicks....just put a male and female chicken together......that's all it takes. Then if it looks different assign it a name that sounds cool and sell the heck out of your's just business.

My only objection is the calling of these experiments Orps....I could care less what people do with their chickens. Does the Orp Club promote these random crosses now?

That "Sunset Orp" will not breed true...I am reminded of an old saying..."It all comes out in the wash"
And they are all sex-links. Sex-link only refers to the trait of sex-linked colors which allows the sexer to tell males from females. Since a "sex-link" is not a breed and all of them match the sex-linked traits, they are all sex-links.

Furthermore, a 'sex link' is nowhere to be found in the SOP and should not be respresented as anything other than a hybrid utility layer that is sexable at hatch. Hatcheries, commercial layer farms and backyarders appreciate this hybrid's is a dead cross though and thusly does not breed true...must go back to the source for more birds ad infinitum
The breed was created by combining a number of breeds. Also when creating new colors. Maybe someone is trying to create a new color, I don't know. What was used to create the Reds? Or the Partridge? Or the Silver Laced?
The breed was created by combining a number of breeds. Also when creating new colors. Maybe someone is trying to create a new color, I don't know. What was used to create the Reds? Or the Partridge? Or the Silver Laced?

Most breeds were created using other existing breeds, but the Orps have been around a very long time and don't need RIR added for any reason. The original bird that started all this could be a Rock or any of about 5 breeds...but it is clear to me that while it is pretty it is a hybrid and not an Orpington. Maybe to keep the argument going someone will say it is an Orp, but I say it isn't and until someone else comes along that knows more than me about creating new breeds, I will stick with my argument. It is more Rock than Orp.....period and a bad Rock at that.

No one is trying to create a new color, it is a hybrid.


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