The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Renie'sPeeps :

I just locked down 1 of my bator today... it is full of fertile eggs <G> I need a new brooder..

Not too far behind my batch!
Mary - I am so very sorry. 18.5 years would be hard to lose. Was this the little one you were telling me about when we met the other day? Take comfort in knowing that she lived a long, happy life, and you were lucky to have her for so long. I hope her daughter recovers - I've heard of dogs grieving themselves to death. Poor baby.

Tammy - You're welcome !!

Kathy -I'm at a loss. I have no clue what to do unless, like Julie said, try Vit E.
Tricia, my sincere condolences. What is it with our group? First Katy and Joy's Orpingtons and now our dogs. My 18 1/2 year old Papillon collapsed without any warning and had to be put to sleep this afternoon. She has left a huge void. Her daughter is 16, and she's been lying by Posie's bed since we got home from the vet - she won't leave it. It's been pouring rain so we will bury her tomorrow.


Sorry about you guys' pups. I may not cry over my chickens, but I do cry over my cats and dogs when I lose them.
Hope you have a great hatch and lots of fluffy butts on parade!

I QUIT ! ! ! NOT ONE fertile egg. It has been over 6 months. I am not incubating any more Orp eggs. I am so mad I could spit nails.

Don't quit, but I don't blame you for being upset.
Yes, Joy, one and the same. Her daughter did move to her own bed sometime in the night I'm glad to say, but when I went in the kitchen just now she was asleep in her mom's bed, because the cat (evil creature that she is, chuckle) had taken Reemie's bed. Dog bed wars have resumed in my kitchen.

This is Posie in better days:

HenThymes: It is a very sad day when ever anyone has to put down their little best friends. I totally know how you feel. Your little pal gave you 12 great years. My first dog was a minature Schnauzer. Skipper lived to be 14 years old. Great scrappy little dogs! I feel bad anytime someone says their pal had left them. I hope you get a good cry and remeber all the good times with your little friend.
I have 10 dogs. They all follow me under foot everywhere I go inside of outside. Since I have moved to this house I have put down 2 of my friends. One 13 year ole German Sheperd and my little buddy Melvin a Heinz 57 junk yard mix. I use to go to the vet. But it is hard enough putting my friends under the stress of going to the vet, knowin it will be the last thought in their little heads. Now I do it myself with a .22 while their asleep. I wait till I know their suffering and give them every chance to recover. But a time comes when there is no more then they can give you. Melvin was the first dog I put down myself. He was 11 yr ole. And I felt better that I did it myself.
You did that right thing. Some will just let their dog naturally which can be a brutally painful choice. I feel for you and your little friend.


P.S. I usually bury them myself and plant a tree over their grave. My wife's female cat, "Sport" kitten has a Peach tree. Melvin has a Plum tree. Speck the GSD has a Magnolia tree.
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Wonderful idea! My dog has some Lilies. My son did it. I really like the idea of trees.

The Peaches taste awesome too!!! God's gift to us folks who like good fruit. The Magnolis tree was free. I spent thousands of dollars in the first two years at this place on about 50 some trees. And I learned to ALWAYS look in the dumpster at this nursury. lololol I seen 4 Magnolias being thrown away. All made it and only one died from me running it over with the riding mower.

Sport kitten's Peach tree. Super sweet just like Sport!

Speck's Magnolia


Melvin was a Plum. He always was a late bloomer.


Some of my kids

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Mary - She is a cutie for sure !! You have loads of wonderful memories with her - be sure to hang onto those !!!

Bill - love the dogs - There is absolutely nothing better than a good dog.
Well, today I found out which of my 2 Orps is laying. Here she is. Notice that she is not in a nesting box - she likes my broody area.

The previous "ugly duckling" is officially a swan. (the ostrich one that Cheryl posted)

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