The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I have a question for everyone with blue's. I need to pare down my blue chicks, I currently have about 30! They are 6 weeks old. They vary in color from dark gray to light blue. I thought it would be easy to pick which ones to keep. All seem to have the correct eye color at this point. Any suggestions? I really want blue, not gray so do I pick the lighter ones? Some are incredibily feathered out and big and fluffy and some are not. From what I am understanding I should keep the slow feathering ones, but then will I have all boys? I will try to get a group photo tonight so you can see the color differences that I have.
I never start pulling out pullets/cockerels til they are 3 or 4 months old and I can start seeing the patterns of lacing they will get. If you look back on this mornings postings of Cheryl and Happy Chicks you will see a slow feathering chick that turned into a great looking pullet from some of my birds Cheryl got hatching eggs from.

Starting with post 4517
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Gold laced should have an Orange/bay eye i believe.

Blue chicks can change a lot from their down colour to the colour they finish up so culling at a young age for colour isn't reliable. Over here, dark blues are pet quality birds only, for showing the light ground coloured blues are required.

Thanks Matt.

I'm going to have to go down and check the eye color later. I know their eyes are a lighter color, but not exactly sure what color. In looking at their eyes in a couple of these pictures, they almost look green?

Anyway - here are some pictures of them that I took today. They will be 8 weeks old tomorrow.

Speaking of slow to feather - check out this little boy. I have quite a few that are very slow in feathering.


If you look closely in this picture, you can see the thin strip of gold feathering on the little boy in the first picture.









I would say greenish is fairly normal at this age. Especially if they have been kept inside for a while.

Wow! That's just incredible, but if I had it, I'd have spent it, too.

I just keep wishing it'll spontaneously erupt in my line...c'mon, kids!! Mutate!!!
Those are fabulous, to say the least!

I love the one that looks like it's wearing costume wings! Like a black chick went and got a weave!
Joy, It's so strange to see that color Orp on this thread. I'm so used to seeing BBS. But, they're so cool-looking. I'll bet it's so weird seeing them at your place, after only raising BBS for so long, huh?

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