The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I'm sorry about your hen Kathy.

As a farmer/rancher I can tell you it's not easy being dependent on mother nature. We are in the same boat as you ....over 3 weeks of temps over 100 and basically no rain since last fall. We're getting ready to more than likely have to sell off a large part of our cowherd that we've worked 40 years to build up. The grass is gone in one pasture and we've started feeding hay in it. It stinks....but we can't grow enough feed to feed them thru the coming winter let alone the rest of the summer too. We do grow some irrigated silage, but our hay is almost a total loss.
I'm sooo sorry for your loss. It seems it's always the most precious to go first and she truely was a beauty. Time is a great healer and in time you will feel less sad and just remember why she was so special. I know that means nothing right now. This heat is just umbelievable! I'm in Maryland and yesterday we had a heat index of 128! I just added more fans to the two fans I already had in the coop/run area. Soon I will go out and give them a forced soaking and hope that and all the frozen water bottles I have hidden (they won't go near them if I don't hide them - chickens!), will be enough.
I'm so sorry Kathy, those dense feathers just don't seem to let the heat out. The real hot weather has just only hit us hard this past week. I can't imagine 3+ weeks of this.
Does anyone know if soaking the birds helps or does it just make them heavy and steamy? I have been making my heavy ones stand in a baby pool getting their legs and underside wet, they don't seem to mind, but they won't go in there on their own either.

Hi Carolyn, fellow Marylander! When I soak my birds I really just get them wet. Not a total soaking. Mostly feet and butts and as wet as I can get them on top. They're pretty water repellant. It does make them stop panting for a bit. Usually they will go lay in front of the fan after I get them wet. I don't know what else to do! I wish I could get them to swim like Kelly's beautiful buff orps but just getting them to stand in 1" of water causes such drama!

. I'm sorry you lost Julie. I too force some of my birds (silkies usually) to get wet. When they are panting non stop they get the shower option on my garden hose. They don't like it, but they do stop panting.
Oh goodness... I am sorry to hear of your loss
I have been watching my birds like a hawk the last few days. We have been in the 90s. I see the temp has dropped down into the 70s tonight.. Prasie God!. Keeping the waters refreshed at least 2x a day and wetting the yards. My birds love to walk and peck in mud... oh well it brings them joy
Kathy I am sorry about your hen.

I have been checking and refilling waterers at least twice a day, most times more. I spray down shady areas and have a mister going.

We had a short hope tonight of a thunderstorm, but no luck. I even heard the thunder. *sigh* currently it is 93* at 11pm.
I saw lightning and heard thunder at 0230. No rain. Updated forecast for Sunday is 40% chance of rain in the afternoon, with a high of 104.

That is exactly what I have been doing too, Tonya. Spraying down areas seems to give them some relief, as they all gather in those areas. I spend hours outside keeping watering pans full of cool water. I have alot of chickens. I open up the pens and let most all of them free range (all except my rooster pens). Most of my birds go into the timber for relief. I have 40+ dishpans of water all over the place here and at the edge of the timber. Only about 6 birds ever stand in the water. The others will sit near it.

I worry about free ranging, as well. I have trapping coons for over a week, and thus far have trapped 6. Even with that risk, I simply can not leave my birds all penned up in this heat. My coops are all in shaded areas, but still.......... My breeder barn is shaded and has concrete pavers as flooring in the pens. Many birds stay inside and move the bedding out to lay on them. Some coolness from them anyway, I guess.

Thanks to all of you. I am just so sad to lose Julie. Seems silly to be so emotional over a chicken, I know. But, still, I am.

It saddens me to hear your plight. What an unfortunate predicament to be in. Bless you farmers!
Farming is a tough life that some people just never realize or understand. Kinda like a life of "feast or famine," much dependent on Mother Nature. I pray for you, Katy, and all the farmers.
Kathy, I'm so sorry you lost her. We are having unbearable heat and humidity for the mountains but nothing like you all are dealing with. Amazing the climate difference as we still are getting rains so that helps.

Gosh Katy I'm sorry your having to deal with "thinking" of reducing the herd.

I can't shut the birds up at night it's so hot here but then I have the worry of something getting to them critter wise! Mine like standing in the mud puddles I make them when changing out waterers 4 times a day!!!

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