The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Jeremy - Thanks !! Good to see everybody here and all the gorgeous pictures. Elizabeth is a beauty !! Great color and nice lacing. Her lacing looks really symmetrical and crisp. I love Vivi. I know most people want the lighter blue, but the darker blue (I call it charcoal) is my favorite. And Thelma - she looks like a TANK !! She looks just awesome. Love the picture of that little splash...LOL. Such a cute picture. Would love to see some of Alice when she gets done molting.

Thanks for sharing.
Our Buffs are not imported, but this is one of our hens that is English-ly. She coming back from a molt, which why she's kind of mottled looking.

Thank you Joy, Jean, OSUman and Julie for the nice comments.

I wish Elizabeth had Vivi's lacing, I love both of them though. I'm happy with whatever shade of Blue they are as long as I can keep good lacing in my line. I've got a few lighter babies growing out, sired by my Splash boy, it should be interesting to see what this new generation looks like in a few months.

greenfamilyfarms, lovely Buffs! She does look somewhat English. Do your males have the same round look?
They are getting there. We have Midas, our current mature roo, and a younger cockerel. Both are large, but not nearly as round shaped as the roosters you guys have. They are still leggy.

Midas - Taken today. He's still coming back from molt, also. He looked really, really bad for a while. He lost all of his mojo, too. He didn't even crow for a month.
How are these beauties at laying? gloria Jean

They aren't right now, but when they do, I get about 8-10 eggs a day from 15 hens.

I love buff orpingtons. Maybe later if you ship eggsI can contact you. Gloria Jean

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