The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Julie, I've noticed a lot of my chicks growing out this year seem to be lighter Blue than the hens they came from, I was thinking that had to be because of Neville's genes. I'm hoping that they maintain good lacing, so far they look good. They're only around 4 months old.

Marcs Buffs are VERY pretty.
Thanks for the comments and recommendations!
Bama--no, he really does have black eyes. I've noticed in some of my other photos that black eyes have shown up like that too?
Thanks for the great tip about lacing. I've wondered about that before. "Red Neck" doesn't have the best lacing, but I don't think my other blues are any better at this point.
I'm certainly no expert, but at this point, I agree that that particular black is my best. He seems to have matured and "rounded out" earlier. I'm hoping the others will eventually get to that same shape even though they are a few inches taller.
Thanks again!
Jeremy the light color is great if the lacing is good. Neville is a great looking cock bird. He is a wide boy.
Matte some of the boys take a bit longer to get there full width. How old did you say these are. By the time they are a year that should be telling.
I love Neville Julie, one of my most favorite things about him is his size. He is WIDE and ROUND.

I'm pretty sure he did pass his size on to his babies, they're already nearly half the size of the hens they came from. I integrated them with their moms last weekend, they moved into the big girls group just find with hardly any squabbles. That's another reason why I love these birds- they really honestly are gentle giants. Neville is like a big puppy dog.
With the shorter days and my work schedule being that I get home when it's almost dark, I haven't had a chance to take any new photos of my birds. This weekend is supposed to be sunny (and cold), hopefully I can take some then.
My DIL borrowed my camera. I can't make any till i get it back. I am hoping to make some next week.. My plan is to get two breed pens set up this next week. I am getting a few pullet eggs.
Chocolate Bantam Swirl laid her first egg yesterday.

Unfortunately, I just treated all the birds with ivermectin so I have to wait til January before I can do anything with her eggs.

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