The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Yay Joy, yay!!!

My incubator has eggs in it right now... I wasn't supposed to hatch anything else before next year but I set these eggs to hatch on New Year's Day, sooo... technically they will hatch in 2012... he he he.

I've been told I have to brood them in the garage though.
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A rare sunny day, chickens got to get out and enjoy it

this is One, one of my first english girls

One again

a pretty black pullet

Maggie, she has some really nice lacing

this is an oops, partial english splash roo over a hatchery buff...I got partridge

a young black pullet, if you look close, her feathers look like they are laced with green

my only blue hoss son, gangly right now but nice lacing
For an Oops your partridge looking hen is very pretty.

that is why I kept her, she is actually marked pretty well, some smut on her head. not sure how I got that but oh well, I wouldnt know what to use with her to make more so she just hangs out and lays big eggs. her husband is the little serama there...they stick together like glue...odd couple
RedReiner, beautiful girls! I have a Maggie too, I just named my youngest bunch at home- Maggie, Myrtle, Kathryn (Kate), Emma, and Rupert!

I think you should try to recreate that Partridge color, this time hopefully you'll get a cockerel. Then you should breed them together and see if they breed true, you might be on to something!
I am going to guess that as many chickens that there is in the world, we all end up with the same names lol. I have a maggie, alice, party, beggar, one and two and Larry (leisure suit larry) and some others that dont have names, oh and a pullet name abbie
there are partridge orps, but none I can afford, I have seen others from buff crossed with blue or black etc and usually not marked as well as her, but if I were to try and make more, I would only want english buffs or whatever color to use, and thats the hard part nobody can tell me what to cross her with to make more....

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